How to create a TPAD 2 Account, Login To Account.
All teachers are required to fill the Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) both in primary and secondary schools.
Before a teacher starts to fill the TPAD, he/she must first of all be added to the Teacher Management Information System (TMIS) of the school then thereafter you can be granted access to the portal to create an account.
After you have created an account, you can now log into the appraisal system.
In this blog, we are going to enlighten you on how to create your new TPAD account, login, update your account and even reset your password if you happen to have forgotten.
Steps on How to Create a New TPAD 2 Account
- Using your browser, enter this link into your address bar to access the new TPAD 2 system
- You will now click on ‘Login” tab as shown below
- You will be prompted to a list of user type where you will choose the type of user you are i.e Teacher/Deputy, Head of Institution, Curriculum support Officer, Sub-County Director, County Director/County ICT or regional Director. The following window will be opened.
- Now click on sign up to create your TPAD 2 Account. You will be prompted to another page where you will enter your details like TSC number, ID number and phone number then click on CREATE account.
- Enter your valid details in the spaces provided above, and the save to enable you log in to the account and kick start the appraisal process.
- After the details supplied have been verified, then a login view will appear. Enter the details you used during account creation i.e TSC number, password and ID number.
How to Login to TPAD 2 Portal
After you have created your account successfully, then you can now click on login again or a login page will pop up where you will enter your details used in account creation as shown below.
After you have entered you login details as shown above then you can now click ‘Login’ button.
How to change your TPAD 2 Account password
Once you have logged into your account, you can now be able to change or reset your password if need be.
To do this, click on reset/change password then a landing page will be pop up and you will now type in the current password used and the preferred password then confirm the password.
After providing the above details, you can click on update password for the new password to be saved.
How to create a TPAD 2 Account, Login To Account.