How to add teachers on TMIS online form, procedure and requirements
Adding teachers to the TMIS portal is the responsibility of the school head. It’s quite easier to do this. What you only need are the school credentials.
Procedure of Adding Teachers
1. Using your browser like chrome, visit this link https://teachers The window below will open
2. Using your TSC number and your password, enter the username and password and click login.
Once you have logged in, then the window below will open and it will indicate the name of the school head at the top right corner of the page.
3. On the TMIS Returns tab, click the tab and choose submit Teachers Returns. A window like the one below will be opened.
4. On the Next To Enrollment, click that tab as shown above and a window like the one below will appear.
5. Ypu can now click on the tab Next To Teachers Details as indicated above. A window opens displaying the particulars of every teacher in the school.
In this tab, you can now add a new teacher, remove those who have retired and those transferred.
6. To add a new teacher, enter his/her TSC number and then press the enter key on your keyboard.
7. The teacher’s details will just appear once you have entered the TSC number and pressed the enter/search person.
Note that not all the teacher’s details will be displayed in the page. So ensure that other details are entered manually into the form provided.
The particulars that need to be entered here manually include;
- Date reported to current station
- Responsibility
- Nationality
- Date of first appointment
- Date of Appointment to current grade
- Religion
- SNE specialization
- Leave type etc
Once you have ascertained that all the provided details are correct, you can now click the save button on the bottom right corner to ensure the entered details are saved.
How to add teachers on TMIS online form, procedure and requirements