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HomeTSCTSC Sets New Rules For Internship Application

TSC Sets New Rules For Internship Application

TSC Sets New Rules For Internship Application

Internships can help teachers establish successful careers.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) application rules are crucial for 2022/2023 teacher interns.

To increase their chances of selection, applicants must follow these guidelines and standards.

Online Application Only

The TSC requires online applications for fairness and efficiency.

Manual applications are rejected. The TSC hopes an online platform will improve efficiency and level the playing field for applicants.

Recruitment Guidelines

Teacher Interns for the 2022/2023 Financial Year (Post Primary Institutions) must follow the Commission’s Recruitment Guidelines.

These principles assure fair and transparent selection.

Candidates should read and understand these guidelines before applying.

TSC Sets New Rules For Internship Application
TSC Logo Calling for internship Application

Original Academic and Professional Certificates

Shortlisted candidates must produce genuine academic and professional certifications.

Verifying applicants’ qualifications and eligibility is crucial.

Avoid last-minute issues by gathering and organizing the relevant paperwork.

Merit Selection

Candidates will be chosen on merit, taking into mind county vacancies.

The TSC promotes fairness and equality for all applicants.

Thus, candidates must successfully present their qualifications, talents, and experiences in their applications.

Eligibility Criteria

The current teacher internship recruiting excludes TSC interns and permanent and pensionable TSC employees.

The TSC seeks to recruit new teachers.

Multiple Applications

Candidates can apply to two schools with suitable openings.

This flexibility lets applicants explore numerous opportunities and boost their internship chances.

One Internship Offer

Candidates can only accept one internship offer.

Multiple offers disqualify.

Accepting an internship requires serious consideration and a well-informed decision.

Accident Insurance

Personal accident insurance is essential for internships.

This insurance protects TSC interns.

Before interning, candidates should get insurance.

Reporting Fraud

The TSC warns candidates that fraudsters may try to extort money from naïve applicants by promising recruiting aid.

Fraud should be reported immediately to the nearest TSC office, Teachers Service Commission headquarters, or local police station.

Report such acts to the TSC through phone or email.


Teachers Service Commission internship application rules must be followed.

These recommendations can help applicants get an internship in the 2022/2023 financial year.

The Teachers Service Commission website lists county and school vacancies, which must be monitored.

Take this chance to start a lucrative teaching career.

TSC Sets New Rules For Internship Application

TSC Sets New Rules For Internship Application
TSC Sets New Rules For Internship Application

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