TSC sends letter of regret to teachers who applied for promotion
Over 1,500 school administrators who had applied for promotions, participated in interviews, and anxiously awaited promotion letters found themselves in an unfortunate situation. Instead of receiving the long-anticipated promotion letters, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) sent them letters of regret.
According to the committee overseeing this process, approximately 1,300 teachers who received these regret letters now have a fresh opportunity to reapply for the positions. However, the commission’s decision to revoke their appointments remains shrouded in mystery. These educators had been confirmed and shortlisted after interviews within their respective districts, eagerly awaiting their official promotions.
The vast majority of these teachers, who had been serving in acting capacities, were eagerly hoping for confirmation, but their expectations were dashed. In response, the commission has instructed these teachers to reapply for positions when future promotion announcements are made.
A significant question that lingers is how the TSC will handle the issue of teacher promotions, especially after the Education Task Force recommended transferring the responsibility of promoting teachers to the Ministry of Education.
Digging into detailed data from the TSC, it reveals that a staggering 3,359 public schools are currently without a principal. Specifically, 1,918 public elementary schools and 1,441 middle schools are facing the absence of school leadership.
This lack of institutional leadership in a total of 3,359 public primary and secondary schools is particularly concerning, especially at a time when the government is implementing substantial reforms in the education sector. The TSC, however, places the blame for this lack of promotion and stagnation on the teachers themselves.
Macharia, a spokesperson for the TSC, has accused teachers of showing reluctance in applying for promotion opportunities in districts other than their own.
Also Read: TSC Releases Promotion Interview Scoresheet October 2023
Earlier this year, the TSC announced 14,738 vacancies for teacher promotions at various levels to address positions left vacant due to natural attrition. Surprisingly, out of these vacancies, only 1,231 teachers were accepted, leaving a substantial 3,507 positions without qualified candidates.
Furthermore, the TSC has set aside a portion of these 1,021 vacancies for affirmative action teachers. Teachers have actively applied for various positions advertised by the TSC, including Principal, Deputy Principal, Senior Master, and more, in both regular and special schools.
It remains a matter of concern that the TSC has been sending letters of regret to teachers applying for promotion, and the situation raises questions about the fairness and transparency of the promotion process.
TSC sends letter of regret to teachers who applied for promotion