TSC Has Advertised vacancies for Post Primary school teachers, How to Apply
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has posted 738 job openings for secondary school teachers in order to replace those who have left the profession for a variety of reasons, including natural attrition.
This year’s openings, which were announced in April, will be spread out over the entire country. The Central area has the most openings (163), followed by the Rift Valley region (159), according to the advertisement.
There are 125 posts available in the Eastern Region, 92 in the Western Region, and a total of 129 in the Nyanza Region.
The Nairobi Region has 24 teaching opportunities, the North Eastern Region has 11, and the Coastal Region has 35 jobs all at once.
Last year, TSC stated a data bank of unemployed secondary school teachers during the recruitment season from June to July. The Commission will be able to recruit replacement teachers for those who plan to leave the service in the 2022–2023 Fiscal Year (FY) with the use of this data bank.
The responsibility of compiling a merit list specific to each open post from the list of five (5) candidates per opening who had been shortlisted and interviewed at every secondary school in the country fell to the Board of Management, which serves as the School Selection Panel.
According to Dr. Macharia’s statement in the Circular, “The Merit List shall be used in the subsequent recruitment processes involving a similar vacancy in the County within the Financial Year or as directed by the Commission from time to time.”
After that, a data bank for the County was constructed using the subject-specific merit lists that the school selection panels had submitted to TSC SCD in order to use it to fill subject-specific vacancies in following recruiting processes throughout the FY.
The Regional Director, who would compile regional merit lists for each subject and forward them to the TSC Director Staffing at the Headquarters, required the County Directors to also deliver the list to him or her.
The data bank of candidates who have been interviewed will be used to replace those leaving service during the financial year. Dr. Macharia announced in the Financial Year that the subject-specific data bank will be used to fill openings that would arise from the County, Region, and nationally.
The Commission further states that vacancies must be filled from the Subject Specific County data bank and the Subject Specific National data bank, respectively, when candidates have been exhausted within an area.
The table below shows the amount of instructors that need to be replaced, with each county being underlined.
1. Kiambu County 58
2. Muranga County 37
3. Kirinyaga County 15
4. Nyandarua County 17
5. Nyeri County 36
6. Mombasa County 13
7. Kwale County 5
8. Kilifi County 14
9. Lamu County 2
10. Tana River County 1
11. Nairobi County 24
12. Wajir County 6
13. Garissa County 5
14. Embu County 6
15. Isiolo County 3
16. Kitui County 19
17. Machakos County 31
18. Makueni County 17
19. Marsabit County 10
20. Meru County 23
21. Tharaka Nithi County 16
22. Homa Bay County 12
23. Kisii County 34
24. Kisumu County 26
25. Migori County 18
26. Nyamira County 16
27. Siaya County 22
28. Baringo County 6
29. Bomet County 15
30. Elgeyo Marakwet County 4
31. Kajiado County 10
32. Kericho County 16
33. Laikipia County 10
34. Nakuru County 36
35. Nandi County 12
36. Narok County 7
37. Samburu County 4
38. Transnzoia County 14
39. Turkana County 1
40. Uasin Gishu County 16
41. West Pokot 8
42. Bungoma County 68
43. Busia County 11
44. Kakamega 37
45. Vihiga County 13
Total 738
TSC Has Advertised vacancies for Post Primary school teachers, How to Apply