The internet went ablaze when a primary school revealed their fee details which cost more than one could imagine for a primary school. the services offered in the school including the meals one can say it is pretty worth the fee.
The school one can say costs more than many other private schools in Kenya. checking at the admission fee while most charge a non-refundable fee of Ksh 2000, the International School of Kenya charges Ksh 40,000.
some of the learners in this school pay a fee even amounting to approximately Ksh 3 million annually.
one other school is St. Andrew Turi on Molo where pupils pay up to Ksh 1.8 million per year. The Peponi school in Ruiru charges a fee of up to 1 million Kenya shillings per year. The school’s amenities include five meals a day, hot shower, very spacious classes and also planes for ferrying students during tours.
Other schools that are expensive include Jalaram academy in Kisumu, Brooke academy, Makini Schools and Agha Khan Schools.

Check out this primary school fees that cost more than your university four year semesters