Teachers Have Vowed to Strike Over Finance Bill
According to Musembi Katuku, the executive secretary of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) in Machakos, the teachers in the region will stop working if President Ruto’s proposed three percent salary cut for the housing levy is approved.
“It should be acknowledged that we are not far from there,” he said. “The Constitution in Article 40 and 41 allows workers the right to strike if they are not in accord with their bosses.
Speaking to reporters in Machakos on Friday, Katuku stated that the union would oppose the Bill and asked lawmakers to do so completely.
He replied, “You need to stop the Bill if you do hear and care about the opinions of government servants.
He pointed out that teachers have Saccos and other programs that have assisted them in developing their life and building homes for years, while the cost of living is already very high.
Katuku noted that the school industry would soon suffer significantly if the government moved forward with its plan to further tax teacher salaries.
The Teachers Service Commission TSC should just involve itself in this matter in order to salvage the situation set to cripple learning in schools.
Teachers Have Vowed to Strike Over Finance Bill