C grade P1 Teachers Rejoice: TSC Initiates Recruitment Changes

Jamleck Muturi, chairman of the Teacher’s Service Commission, announced yesterday that 20,000 teachers will be hired nation-wide to enhance the implementation of Competency-Based Curriculum and alleviate the teacher shortage.
However, before hiring them, they must resolve another issue that will help alleviate the shortage of junior high school teachers.
To alleviate the teacher shortage, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) plans to transfer more primary school teachers to junior secondary institutions.

Despite a new allocation of funds to the commission, the second groups of PTE instructors have not yet been assigned to junior high schools.
Teachers whose applications were submitted prior to March 22, 2023, will be given priority for the second deployment.

Following last Thursday’s budget reading, TSC received a budgetary allocation that would be used to promote these teachers and the roughly 14,000 instructors who had been in the same job group for years.
Before approving the deployment of a teacher to a school, the TSC mandates that the Sub-County Directors verify all relevant documents.
The committee insisted on a category of elementary school instructors who are qualified to teach in junior high schools.
In order for the teacher’s deployment to be confirmed, he or she MUST satisfy the following prerequisites:
i) Teachers must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission and have a TSC number.
ii) You must be a first-grade teacher for the Teachers Service Commission.
iii) at the time of application, must not be serving a suspension or undergoing disciplinary action.
iv) A minimum Diploma in Education and KCSE (or equivalent) results of at least a C+ are required.
V) must possess two C+ teaching subjects (8-4-4 or CBC) or two principles and one subsidiary “A” Level success.
Instructors of the KCSE C Plain:
Competent teachers possess a high school diploma, a bachelor’s degree in education, and a KCSE grade of at least C (plain).

These instructors’ certificates must indicate a Bachelor of Education degree. They are ineligible if they possess a Bachelor of Education (Primary Option).
They were required to have declared their willingness to attend junior high school and be on a list.
Check the following link for the required verification documents: http://educationnewsarena.co.ke/p1-teachers-with-a-mean-grade-of-c-plain-have-a-reason-to-smile/
C grade P1 Teachers Rejoice: TSC Initiates Recruitment Changes