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HomeEDUCATION4,000 Teachers Needed In This County To End Under-staffing

4,000 Teachers Needed In This County To End Under-staffing

4,000 Teachers Needed In This County To End Under-staffing.

Education News Arena has learnt that Mombasa County is in dire need of 4,000 qualified teachers in order to quench Under-staffing in the region.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) executive secretary, Kilindini branch in Mombasa, Dan Aloo has urged the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to employ more teachers in the country and deploy them to Mombasa County to address the issue of Under-staffing.

Teacher Shortage

“Out of the 4,000 teachers required in the region, 2,000 are for primary schools, 1,000 are for secondary while 1,000 are for ECDE centres,” he added.

Dan noted that due to the increase in the number of students in schools as a result of 100 percent transition, schools in the county are overwhelmed and needs more teachers in order to ensure proper service delivery.

“Many schools in the county do not have enough teachers, while the enrollment of pupils and students have risen, hence making teachers’ work to be rather difficult,” Aloo noted.

Aloo had urged the government of the day to channel more funds for infrastructure in the area to address the issue of classroom in order to offer learners conducive learning environment.

He further noted that many learners are taking their studies under uncouth environment and hence urged the education stakeholders in the region to mobilize for facilities in the region to cater for the growing numbers.

Junior Secondary School

Aloo has also observed that learners who recently joined junior Secondary don’t have enough classes where these learners can take their studies.

He has urged the education stakeholders to come forward and cooperate fully to address the worsening situation.

He urged them to ensure that the facilities are well equiped in order to ensure JSS learners have a conducive environment for learning.

Performance in schools

Due to lack of essential physical learning facilities and enough teachers, the county has been experiencing dismal performance over time.

The Executive Secretary has urged the stakeholders to fold together and work as a team in order to revive the standards of education in the region.

4,000 Teachers Needed In This County To End Under-staffing.

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