How to Capture Data On NEMIS. Since the inception of the former Education CS, Prof. George Magoha , the Ministry of Education has heavily been relying on the data provided by the school administrators through the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) in assigning learners capitation since 2021.
The system involves capturing learners data through an online system where the teacher is supposed to supply learner’s details identifying every learner.
Initially, the ministry has been relying on a manual system which seems to have so many loopholes in terms of capturing learners’ data, hence the Ministry has erroneously sent capitation to schools even after providing false information.
Using this system, the headteachers are responsible for the data provided for their schools and this has minimized the human error resulting from faulty capturing of the learners data.
The headteachers and principals can as well make any changes to the data from time to time to keep the date up to date.
The system can accept learners even without the birth certificate numbers.
How to update learner’s details on NEMIS- How to Capture Data On NEMIS
- Open the NEMIS portal at
- Using the official log in credentials, log onto the system
- Once you are in, you can click either Form one admission or reported list
- A list of all reported learners will open for display
- To update details for each learner, click on Bio Data then update each learner’s details
- You can now fill the basic details, contact information and Special Needs data for learners and then click update or save changes.
- You can repeat procedure 5&6 above for all the admitted learners.
The school heads can also perform other learner related operations using the ‘LEARNER’ tab on the NEMIS window.
The operations include;
- Pending Registration- This will enable you to check the learners whose details are pending due to incorrect or lack of required details.
- View my learners – This is used to view the full list of all learners whose details have been fully updated in the system.
- List of admission requests – This shows the list that the school heads have uploaded to the system for those seeking admission request in a school pending approval by the ministry of Education.
- List of processed admission requests – this field will display the list of all the learners whose requests have been approved by the Ministry Of Education.
- Receive Learner – this is used to receive a learner to a school who has transferred from another school.
- Release learner- this is used to transfer a learner from a school admitted to another school after the approval from the Ministry Of Education field officers.
How to Capture Data On NEMIS