TSC Officials Issue Last Day Warning To Teachers.
Teachers who have not finished their online Teacher Performance Appraisal Development (TPAD) have received warnings from Teachers Service Commission (TSC) authorities at the County and Sub County levels.
Teachers are being urged by TSC County and Sub County Directors and their Curriculum Support Officers (CSOs) to finish the appraisal process before the deadline.
The TPAD system for the first term will finish tonight, therefore anyone who hasn’t yet evaluated himself should do so by midnight, according to the authorities.
The Commission claims that teachers in elementary and secondary schools would be able to engage in evaluating their own performance and start their professional development through the use of TPAD, an open appraisal system.
The appraisal and development system is intended to give teachers greater control so they can restore the teaching profession to its former glory and win back the trust and support of the general public.
TSC advertises its teachers via TPAD. Teachers must download and present documentation of their TPAD compliance during promotion interviews in order to be taken into consideration.
Teachers who do not take the evaluation and lesson observations run the danger of being disciplined by the Commission.
The Commission published a study at the end of last year indicating continuous adoption of TPAD in teacher evaluation.
According to the midline study, 92% of teachers reported having been examined using TPADs, compared to 89.2% who were reported as the baseline.
The study highlighted the usage of TPAD as having helped teachers efficiently prepare their sessions, pinpoint performance gaps, and scale up their pedagogical competencies.
According to reports, TPAD was a vital instrument for improving curriculum delivery effectiveness.
This was proven by the significant percentage of instructors who said that, at 61.3%, 59.7%, and 59.6%, respectively, that TPAD had a significant impact on teacher preparation, time management, and preparation and usage of teaching and learning resources.
“On pedagogy, the study revealed increased use of learner-centered methods to curriculum delivery,” the report said.
TSC Officials Issue Last Day Warning To Teachers.