A man identified as Lawrence Mugendi Kiragu has been in the business of luring may unsuspecting Kenyans mainly through facebook into his wash saga scam. He was arrested in Tharaka Nithi by police officers who were tipped off by members of the public.
Tharaka sub-county commander said that he had been luring many Kenyans into his schemes lying to them only later to steal millions from them.
While narrating the notorious thug recent event, the commander said that Lawrence connected with a friend on Facebook and later agreed to meet up after some days. During all this time the thug duped the innocent man that he was from Somalia and that he had stolen 28 million Kenyan money from the Alshabaab.
It is pretty much unheard of for one to even create such a rumour that they may have stolen from the terrorist group from Somalia.
He had even gone ahead to tell his victim that they were gonna use certain chemicals to bring the money back to life. The man fell into his trap and gave up his money to Lawrence amounting to millions. He went ahead and reported the matter to Chuka Police Station where the police launched a manhunt.

Incidents like such have been happening everywhere where many people have wined up losing a lot of their property which in even several cases they are not recovered as the thieves are never caught as they disappear. Others have even gone ahead to lose their houses in insincere schemes.
Others also find themselves in luring relationships where the other partner goes out of their way to steal from their partners when they even collude with others outside the relationships.
People are cautioned to be aware of such people who are trying to take over what they have worked off and should they be found in such scenarios they should raise alarms and even report the incident.