How To Apply for a Replacement of KCPE or KCSE Certificates in Kenya.
In Summery
The Kenya National Examinations Council [KNEC] began fulfilling the policy of replacement of certificates for candidates who sat for KNEC and lost the certificate due to various circumstances.
Kindly note that Replacement for the certificate is issued once only. Applicants MUST ensure that their certificate is LOST or DESTROYED before applying for a replacement.
The following are the easiest procedures on how to replace your lost/damaged KCPE/ KCSE certificates.
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Need for the KCPE and KCSE Certificate
- The certificates are evidence that one has obtained Primary or Secondary education in Kenya.
- The certificates are important for applying for admission to higher levels of education such as tertiary levels
- The certificates are required during job applications and placements.
Documents needed for the application of lost KCSE or KCSE Certificate in Kenya.
- KCSE/KCPE Result slip or copy of the certificate. Mandatory
- Recommendation letter from the headteacher of the school attended or from County Education Officer (CEO) or the Sub-County Education Officer (SCEO)
- For private candidates or for those whose schools closed down should address their case to KNEC; [Original Mandatory]
- Sworn legal affidavit on the identity of the applicant; [Original Mandatory]
- Letter of recommendation from employer to KNEC
- Police Abstract showing loss of certificate; Report should be made at the point of loss. [Original mandatory]
- Copy of Identification Card [ID] or Passport or Birth Certificate for underaged. The name on Birth Certificate/ID Must tally with those used in the documentation of your examination documents. Those who have changed their names legitimately should attach the legal records used in changing their names. E.g. marriage certificate for women or the copy of Gazette the changed name appears. [Mandatory]. Kindly note that application with varying Examination information will not be processed.
- KNEC bank deposit slip; Original Compulsory
The fees expected for Replacement Certificate is Ksh5,000/= plus an additional 16% VAT Ksh800/- totalling to Ksh5,800 per certificate. The fees must be paid at KNEC group of accounts in any branch of the following banks:
- Equity Bank
- Kenya Commercial Bank[KNEC deposit bank slips are available in these banks]
- Co-operative Bank of Kenya
- National Bank of Kenya
Procedure on how to apply for a replacement of a KCSE or KCPE certificate in Kenya.
Apply In-Person
- Applicants are expected to fill the KNEC Certificate Replacement Form
- You can get the form from the KNEC Archives and Records Offices directly downloaded from KNEC official website: KNEC Online
- Accurately fill in the information required and attach the appropriate documents to accompany the form and submit to the Council Secretary/Chief Executive of the Kenya National Examinations Council.
- The certificates will be ready for collection after the duration of sixty working days from the Kenya National Examination Council offices.
- The certificate to be replaced should be personally collected by the owner by presenting the original passport/ID. Minors are to be accompanied by one of the parents with the original ID.
- Certificates that will not have been collected within 2 years from the date of application will be disposed off without further communication and No refund.
Office Locations and Contacts of Kenya National Examination Council, KNEC
KNEC Head Office- Nairobi
National Housing Corporation (NHC) House,
Aga Khan Walk
P.O. Box: 73598- 00200,
Tel: +254 020 3317412 / 3317413 / 3317419 / 3317427 / 3341027 /3341050 / 3341071 / 3341098 / 3341113 / 2213381
Mobile: 0720741001/0732333860
Fax: +254-020- 2226032
Email contact:
Website: Website
National Bank Building
Harambee Avenue
Tel: +254 – 020 246919 / 020-247204
Ex-telecoms House, 3rd floor
Haile Selassie Avenue,
Tel: +254 -020 2211545/6/7
Mitihani House
Dennis Pritt Road,Kilimani
Tel:+254 – 020 2713874 / 020-2713894 / 020-2713845; 020-2715980 / 020-2711536
Industrial Area Offices,
Ministry of Public Works, Supplies Branch,
Likoni Road.
Tel:+254 – 020 650821 / 020-650822
Email: .
Required Information
- Name of the applicant
- Full index Number
- Address and contact information
- Year of examination
- School or Examination Center
- Name of the Examination KCPE/KCSE, KCE, CPE
- National ID
- Year of examination
- Proof of payment
- Applicant signature
Mistakes To Avoid When Applying For KCSE/KCPE Certificate Replacements In Kenya.
- Do not provide cheques. KNEC won’t accept
- Deposit bank slips MUST be submitted to KNEC within 12 months from the date of deposit, later than that it will be another story.
- Post schools examinations [Business and Technical; Modular courses] copies of results slip for all modules sat must be attached.
- Applicants must ensure that their certificates are lost or destroyed before applying for a replacement.
- Money paid is not refundable in under any circumstances.
- Incomplete application forms will not be processed. More equerries may be directed to the Council Secretary/Chief Executive, Kenya National Examination Council, Attention: Head of Section Archives and Records.
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How To Apply for a Replacement of KCPE or KCSE Certificates in Kenya.