Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeGENERAL NEWSUnable To Apply For The TSC Vacancies? Fill This Form

Unable To Apply For The TSC Vacancies? Fill This Form

The Teachers Service Commission has provided a form to be filled by teachers who are facing problems in applying for the TSC Vacancies online. 

The data to be filled is meant to facilitate the correction of errors for the new applicant's date of birth e.g. those showing 1970. 

Click the link below to access the TSC form.

Select the problem or issues being encountered which includes:
TSC number issues
Identification Number (ID) Issues 
Name Issues
Any Other Issues. 

Fill in your names in the section provided, Tsc number, school category, school teaching subjects and your email address then submit your form. 

NOTE: Kindly make sure you provide an email that you can access any time. This is to enable you (the applicant) and the Teachers Service Commission to exchange feedbacks in case of anything. 


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