TSC To Confirm Teachers In Acting Capacity After Six Months In New Rule
Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) can now breathe a sigh of relief as a new bill has been introduced in Parliament. The bill, sponsored by Embakasi Central MP Benjamin Gathiru, aims to require the Commission to confirm teachers within six months of serving in an acting capacity. In the past, teachers have been acting in administrative roles for extended periods without being officially confirmed to those positions.
The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) has accused the TSC of neglecting to confirm teachers who have been acting in administrative roles for a long time.
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The current career progression guidelines (CPG) have made it challenging for classroom teachers to be promoted unless they are in administrative positions. Kuppet’s national chairman, Mr Omboko Milemba, expressed concerns about this situation, calling it an exploitation of labor.
Additionally, the National Assembly’s Labor committee has considered introducing an amendment to cap the retirement age at 55, which would affect a significant number of civil servants expected to retire in the next five years. This proposal, if implemented, could have far-reaching implications for the government’s finances, particularly with regards to the pension bill.
The Public Service Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2023, proposes that a person may be appointed in an acting capacity for a period of up to six months, provided they meet all qualifications for the position. Any acting appointment made without the necessary qualifications will be revoked by the Public Service Commission immediately.
TSC To Confirm Teachers In Acting Capacity After Six Months In New Rule