TSC new Salary Scale For Junior Secondary School Teachers
A teacher must have at least a mean grade of C+ in the two teaching topics from the KCSE in order to be hired to teach in secondary schools.
Before issuing out letters of deployment, the Teachers Service Commission, or TSC, did not investigate the principal’s credentials.
The TSC made the announcement that the application window for the deployment of elementary school teachers had been reopened and would remain open through March 22nd via its different social media outlets. Kenya’s teachers are governed by the Commission, which also determines their remuneration.
The TSC-employed teachers also receive a number of benefits, including housing, commuter, and risk payments. These stipends can substantially raise a teacher’s monthly income, elevating their total monthly pay.
Additionally, TSC instructors receive government-funded perks like pensions, gratuities, and health insurance. The employers of the teachers have disclosed the new pay scale for teachers who will instruct in Junior Secondary Schools using the competency-based curriculum.
Who will instruct students in junior secondary schools in grades 7, 8, and 9 has generated a lot of anxiety. The category of instructors who will teach in junior secondary schools and their new pay rate have finally been decided by the Teacher Service Commission (TSC).
Primary school instructors with a variety of higher academic credentials who have not yet attained promotion in accordance with the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) will be given preference to teach students in grades 7, 8, and 9 in junior secondary schools, according to TSC.
The commission stated that P1 teachers who possess a diploma in education or above will be assigned to work with students in junior secondary schools in the Status Report on Teacher Preparedness for Competence-Based Curriculum Implementation.
Only primary school teachers with Bachelor’s degrees in Education (Secondary option) are now employed by TSC to teach in secondary institutions. A teacher must have at least a mean grade of C+ in the two teaching topics from the KCSE in order to be hired to teach in secondary schools.
Those who will be assigned to work with students in junior secondary schools will begin at job grade C2, earning a base salary scale of between sh 34,955 and sh 43,694 per month. As per CPG, they will be promoted automatically to job grade C3 after three years.
Pay scale for JSS Principals who have just been deployed
- Basic salary 34,955
- House allowance (other areas) 7,500
- Hardship allowance of 10,900
- Commuter allowance of 5,000
- Leave allowance (paid only in January) 6,000
TSC new Salary Scale For Junior Secondary School Teachers