TSC letter of probationary appointment for newly posted teachers
Newly appointed teachers receive a letter of probationary appointment from the Teachers Service Commission, or TSC. Once you have your appointment letter—also known as an employment letter or a posting letter—do this.
You must formally accept or reject the job offer after receiving your employment letter. Should you decide to accept the offer, you will write the Commission via the Head of Institution.
Your letter of probationary appointment will thereafter be sent by TSC. Before your terms become permanent and pensionable, you will be required to serve for a minimum of six (6) months.
TSC letter of probationary appointment.
Below is a sample of the TSC letter of probationary appointment.
I am pleased to note that you have accepted the appointment as a teacher and started
teaching at…… ………with effect from…………………………
This appointment forms an AGREEMENT made betrveen the Teachers Service Commission and ( Full name) …………… Of (Address) …School. P.O. Box
(Herein after called the teacher) with effect from this………. ……………..day of…………… …………..with continuous service to count from ……………(where applicable.)
The following are the Terms and Conditions of this agreement:-
l. Grade…………………….
2. The salary scale attached to this grade is Kshs………………. to Kshs ………..per annum. You will enter the scale at Kshs…………………..per month. You will also be entitled to allowances provided for in the Code of Regulations for Teachers.
(a) The period of probation will be six (6) months subject to satisfactory performance of duty.
(b) On satisfactory completion of this probationary period, your terms of service will convert to Permanent and Pensionable.
(c) You will be required to apply for confirmation of appointment not later than one month before the expiry of this probationary period.
3. This appointment may be terminated by either party giving to the other, one month’s notice in writing, or by paying to the other an amount equal to one month’s salary in lieu of notice.
4. A condition of this employment is readiness to serve in any institution in Kenya where the Commission considers you qualified to teach.
5. Employment is subject to the Code of Regulations and Code of Conduct and Ethics compiled and published by the Commission under the Teachers Service Commission Act No. 20 of 2012.
6. You will be required to sign this agreement and return copies to the TSC Headquarters and the TSC County Office respectively.
TSC letter of probationary appointment for newly posted teachers