TSC Leaves Teachers Can Apply Online
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has established various types of leaves for teachers, and these leaves are granted under specific conditions. When teachers wish to apply for any of these leaves, they are required to submit a written application to the TSC. Below is a list of the different types of leaves available:
1. TSC Annual Leave
This leave is granted for a maximum of thirty (30) days with full pay for each calendar year worked, regardless of the terms and conditions of service.
2. TSC Sick Leave
In case a teacher becomes incapacitated due to illness, they must fill out a sick leave application form, which should be submitted to the Sub-county Director of Education for approval.
3. TSC Maternity Leave
This leave is granted to female teachers who are expectant.
4. TSC Paternity Leave
It is granted to male teachers for twenty-one (21) working days, with full pay, within the duration of their wife’s Maternity Leave. This leave may be granted only once a year.
Also Read: How to Apply for TSC Transfer Online; Procedure
5. TSC Study Leave
This leave is provided to teachers who are pursuing further studies. To apply, teachers must submit their requests through the Head of the Institution.
6. TSC Compassionate Leave
Teachers can receive up to fifteen (15) calendar days of compassionate leave for personal reasons.
7. TSC Special Leave
This leave is granted to teachers selected to attend meetings, conferences, workshops, study tours, or seminars, with a duration not exceeding three (3) months.
8. TSC Special Leave for Sports Persons
It is granted to teachers selected to represent Kenya in national, regional, or international sports events for training and participation.
9. TSC Leave of Absence without Pay
This leave may be granted in cases of exceptional hardship, as determined by the Commission.
TSC Leaves Teachers Can Apply Online
10. TSC Leave to Spouses of Diplomats
Unpaid leave is granted to teachers whose spouses are diplomats during their duty assignments outside Kenya.
11. TSC Compulsory Leave
A leave with full pay for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, accompanied by written reasons for the leave.
12. TSC Leave Outside Kenya
Provided to teachers spending leave outside Kenya with written permission from the Commission.
13. TSC Public Holidays Leave
Teachers are entitled to public holidays leave as per the Constitution, and they are on leave on any other day gazetted by the Government.
Teachers should be aware of these various leave options and the corresponding application procedures when they need to take leave for different reasons.