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HomeGENERAL NEWSTSC Extends Contracts of 4,005 Intern Teachers

TSC Extends Contracts of 4,005 Intern Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced a one-year contract extension for the 4,005 teaching interns. Instead, the commission announced 1,995 new primary and secondary school vacancies for the academic year beginning in January and ending in December 2022. 

There are 1,038 positions for primary schools and 957 positions for secondary schools. During the specified time period, the government will employ 6,000 teaching interns. Applicants for internship positions must be Kenyan citizens and registered with the Teachers' Commission.


The 1,995 new positions are for both primary and secondary schools and will be available for the academic year beginning in January and ending in December 2022. 

There are 1,038 positions for primary schools and 957 positions for secondary schools. The government will employ 6,000 teaching interns in total during the PAY period.

The Teacher Internship Program is a one-year program designed to prepare and sustain those entering the teaching profession. Applications should be submitted electronically via the TSC website no later than Monday, September 27, 2021. 

“The remaining 4,005 posts will be filled by the serving teacher interns recruited in 2021 who were not absorbed into the permanent and pensionable terms of service as advertised in the previous recruitments. Details of the distribution of the posts are available in the TSC website,” TSC said. 



To quality, an applicant must at the time of application meet the following basic requirements: 

a) Be a Kenyan citizen; 

b) Must be a registered teacher with Teachers Service Commission; 

c) Be a holder of a P1 Certificate for Primary school teachers and a minimum of a Diploma in Education Certificate for Secondary school teachers; 

d) Have original academic and professional certificates; 

e) Should not have been in previous employment with the Teachers Service Commission, as a teacher on permanent terms; 

f) Be ready to be posted to any public educational Institution in Kenya; g) Must have Personal Accident Insurance to cover for personal risks during the internship period. 

In addition, successful applicants shall be required to produce; 

a) A copy of the National Identity Card (ID) or Passport; 

b) A copy of Teacher Registration Certificate/print-out from Teachers Service Commission online portal as evidence of registration as a teacher; 

c) A copy of the National Council for Persons with Disability (NCPWD) card (where applicable); 

d) A valid certificate of good conduct; 

e) Two (2) coloured passport size photographs; 

f) A copy of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) card; 

g) A copy of the Kenya Revenue Authority Personal Identification Number (KRA PIN). 


The Internship period will be for twelve (12) months. MONTHLY STIPEND 

This is not a remunerative engagement. However, teacher interns attached to Primary schools will be eligible for a monthly stipend of KShs. 15,000/=, while those attached to Secondary schools will be eligible for a monthly stipend of KShs. 20,0001=. 

The stipend will be paid subject to statutory deductions, where applicable. INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATE On successful completion of the Internship Programme, teacher interns will be awarded a certificate.

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Interested and qualified candidates, are requested to make their applications ONUNE through the Teachers Service Commission Website: www.tsc.go.ke under 'Careers' or www.teachersonline. go.ke by Monday, 27th September 2021. 

Serving teacher interns are not eligible to apply. 

For detailed information on the application procedure and the available vacancies per County and institution, you are advised to visit the TSC Website: www.tscgo.ke. 

Manual applications will not be considered. 

The Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer and persons with disabilities (PWDs) are encouraged to apply. 


The recruitment exercise is undertaken free of charge. The Teachers Service Commission forewarns applicants against fraudsters who might extennIOLetftntunuspecting applicants or any persons purporting to assist in the recruitment. 



Any fraudulent activity in regard to this advert should be reported directly to the nearest Teachers Service Commission Office; or to Teachers Service Commission Headquarters through the following telephone lines: Director Staffing (0202892193); Deputy Director Staffing (0202892131); or write directly to the Teachers Service Commission through e-mail address: dirstaffinggtsc.go.ke 

In addition, any fraudulent activity should be reported to the nearest Police Station. 

NB: The Commission has also re-advertised 48 teaching posts in secondary schools on permanent and pensionable terms of service. Interested candidates are advised to visit the Commission's website for more details. 



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