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Teachers Give Fresh Demands To TSC, Reject TPD, Wants Promotion Of Post Graduates

Teachers Give Fresh Demands To TSC, Reject TPD, Wants Promotion Of Post Graduates

TSC's launch of TPD modules on Wednesday sparked a debate, with the majority of teachers opposing the plan. The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Kilifi, Narok and Taita branches have written to secretary-general Akelo Misori on teachers' rejection of Teachers Professional Development (TPD) Modules.

    They say that the TPD training is not an emergency and therefore TSC must withdraw it and hold consultative meetings with relevant stakeholders on the best opinions to roll it out if at all it is of any importance.


    "I write to inform you that the teachers of Migorl have TOTALLY REJECTED the plan. retraining of teachers by TSC through the listed universities.' read part of a letter to secretary-general Akelo Misori. from the Migori branch.

    The entire Narok, Migori and Kilifi National Executive Board were the first ones to totally rejected the proposed roll out of Teachers Professional Development Modules by the Teachers Service Commission. 

    "The teachers of Narok have taken exception of the remarks made by the TSC CEO Madam Nancy Macharia that teachers are semi-skilled. Indeed the teachers have demanded that the CEO retracts her statement and apologies to the teachers of this great republic." Narok letter reads.

    "The teachers have further made it clear that the commission should cease issuing threats of deregistration on those who will not take the TPD modules."

    The Narok National Executive Board have made the following demands to TSC.

    i) That the employer should first recognize and promote all those teachers who have undertaken post-graduate training before rolling out an exercise that is against accepted labour practices. 

    ii) That the choice of universities selected is suspicious because no consultation on the choices made was done. Further, if indeed the modules should be carried out then all public universities must be involved. 

    iii) That if these modules are absolutely necessary then the employer should meet the cost of the training. 

    iv) That it is totally ridiculous and unacceptance that the programme runs for the entire working lifetime of our teachers. 

    v) That we shall be moving to court should the employer forcefully roll out this training against the wishes of the teachers. 

    Whereas teachers agree that TSC TPD is a form of employee Professional Development to address gaps identified by the employer normally through research, the Migori Kuppet branch says it is the responsibility of the employer to plan such training or capacity building programs, identify cost implications and budget as per the projected cost to train her employees including paying for the training units/modules, accommodation, transport, meals and strenuous allowances, Just as it is the case.

    "In with the Public Service Commission and public universities, to mention a few comparative institutions that have similar programmes and cover full costs of employee professional development and capacity building undertakings of their cherished workers." read one of the letters. 

    KUPPET Migori branch maintains that the modules offered too should contain both specific and transferable skills that other employers recognize. 


    "It is, therefore, the position of Migori Teachers that; 

    1) The union has neglected /ignored/misrepresented the views of the teachers on this matter and has proceeded against the interest of membership to endorse this training without putting into consideration the plight of its members 

    2) That even If the training was an emerge, programme, the cost of the entire training is to be shouldered by THE EMPLOYER and NOT transferred to the employees or otherwise the beneficiaries. 

    3) That NO form of training can be CON1PULSORY for all employees including those about to retire 

    4) That a training programme that runs throughout the entire working life time of an employee ( in this case 30years) is totally undesirable and should be rejected 

    5) That it Is in the Kenyan government programme to establish a university in every county. The questions that teachers want answers to are; why, therefore, would only 4 universities be selected to offer the training.


    According to Taita Taveta Kuppet officials, four teachers expressed their views on the contentious issue.

    1) It is unconstitutional to force teachers to go back to the colleges and retrain, a program which did not go through public participation process as enshrined in the constitution of Kenya 2010. Teachers were not consulted and therefore have unanimously rejected TPDs. 

    2) norms of research methods because there is no way all teachers in the country even those in colleges could have been found unfit to offer teaching services. 

    3)A refresher course that will compel an employee to be a student entirely in his/her working lifetime (30 years) is outdated and unpalatable. 

    4) This training is not an emergency and therefore the employer must withdraw it and hold consultative meetings with relevant stakeholders on the best opinions to roll it out if at all it is of any importance. The employer must take care of the total cost for the entire 30 years of the program of every individual teacher.


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