Sossion Wants Kenya To Revert From 'Fraudelant CBC Curriculum' As TSC Plans To Deploy P1 Teachers To JSS
Former KNUT Secretary-General and nominated Member of Parliament Hon. Wilson Sossion has called the country to revert to the 8-4-4 system saying the Competency Base Curriculum (CBC) is fraudulent.
Sossion claims that the new curriculum is being implemented in a very unprofessional manner adding that it failed to follow all the required procedures before its adoption.
"CBC is a fraudulent curriculum that is being forced on the nation of Kenya and it was rolled out without a professional perspective," he clarified.
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Sossion said there was no public participation when the programme was at the policy formulation level and therefore the government needs to undertake a review, change and improve some aspects.
"Public participation was not well done when it comes to CBC. On the other hand, 8-4-4 was discussed and tabled in Parliament for adoption, but CBC has never been discussed."
He termed CBC as an extortionist scheme that has dented parents' pockets by forcing them to purchase unnecessary learning materials.
He claimed that teachers are having difficulty adapting the curriculum as they have not yet received enough training.
"The government must accept that they have failed the education system, this is because on the ground teachers are frustrated and stressed, parents are expected to buy a lot of learning materials," Sossion stated.
Deployment of P1 Teachers To Junior Secondary Schools (JSS)
Early this year, TSC revealed that it is planning to promote P1 teachers to junior secondary schools. Unlike previous deployments, the commission will deploy teachers with various qualifications according to their set standards.
The report titled "Status Report on Teacher Preparedness for Competence Based Curriculum Implementation" presented before the Parliamentary Committee on Education, the commission announced its deployment plan for P1 teachers with Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, Post-graduate Diplomas, undergraduate Degrees, Masters and PHDs to serve at junior secondary schools (JSS).
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The move is set to prepare more teachers for the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) transition classes and the looming 2023 double intake.
In 2023 when Grade 6 will move to Grade 7 (JSS), the current Class Six learners under the 8-4-4 system will also be enrolled to Form One after sitting the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Examinations (KCPE).
The junior secondary school will include Grades 7, 8 and 9. The pioneer pupils under the new 2-6-3-3-3 Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) system will transition to junior secondary school in 2023 after sitting the Grade 6 national examinations.
The Ministry of Education has since selected several primary schools for upgrading to junior secondary schools. Those with better infrastructure will be upgraded to host Junior Secondary School (JSS) wing.
Under-enrolled schools and those in close proximity will be merged and either one of the institution's infrastructure improved. Some schools will have a combination of both primary and junior secondary in the same compound.
TSC has only been deploying P1 teachers with Degree in secondary school options and those who have attained at least a minimum grade of C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).
TSC database points that about 6,347 primary school teachers possess a degree with a minimum grade of C+ at KCSE and C+ in their main teaching subjects as of July 2020.
“Approximately 1,250,649 learners enrolled at Grade 4 in 2020 will transit to Junior secondary school (Grade 7) as the first cohort of the 2-6-3-3-3 while the 1,320,395 Standard Six cohort of 2020 will transition to Form One under 8-4-4 system in 2023,” reads the CBC task force report.
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