Report Highlights How Cheating was Orchestrated in 2022 KCSE
The National Assembly Departmental Committee on Education has issued a report following an investigation into allegations of misconduct in the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination.
The committee, headed by Tinderet MP Julius Melly, presented the report to Parliament on Wednesday. According to the report, the Ministry of Education had been informed that the Kenya National Examination Council had received reports of cheating and other irregularities during the 2022 KCSE examination. However, the Ministry asserted that these cases were handled appropriately and did not result in result cancellations.
Among the examination malpractices identified in the report was the use of mobile phones to aid candidates in cheating. Some examination centers reported instances of candidates attempting to sneak mobile phones into the examination sessions, and these phones were subsequently confiscated and handed over to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) for further investigation.
The report also revealed that some candidates were found in unauthorized possession of materials as they made their way to the examination rooms. Such incidents were detected during the frisking of candidates before the start of examination sessions, as stipulated by supervision and invigilation guidelines.
Materials intercepted during the frisking process were not used to penalize the candidates. The committee noted 13 cases of early exposure, where center managers or supervisors opened question papers prematurely and attempted to share them on social media. The responsible centers were identified, and those involved were arrested and arraigned.
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However, subsequent investigations during the marking process did not indicate any advantage gained by candidates in these centers or any evidence of collusion.
Impersonation during exams was another issue raised in the report, with three cases of attempted impersonation reported. The imposters were arrested and charged in court.
Additionally, the report highlighted 20 suspected cases of collusion, where candidates allegedly presented similar and identical responses during marking. These cases were further investigated, but the evidence did not meet the threshold for the cancellation of candidates’ examination results according to KNEC guidelines.
Finally, the report noted that KNEC, in collaboration with the Teachers Service Commission and the National Police Service, replaced around 300 contracted professionals when it was determined that they were not adhering to examination rules and guidelines as required.
Report Highlights How Cheating was Orchestrated in 2022 KCSE