Professor Ogeng’o appointed UON acting Vice Chancellor
Stephen Kiama, vice chancellor of the University of Nairobi, has been granted permission to take a six-month sabbatical.
Director of Corporate Affairs John Orindi stated in an internal memo that Kiama had asked for a leave of absence that would last until the end of January 2024.
This is to tell you that the Vice Chancellor’s request to proceed on leave for a period of six months with effect from August 1st, 2023, was approved by the Council of the University of Nairobi at its special meeting on July 31, 2023, according to the memo.
Orindi did not, however, elaborate on Kiama’s requests for the prolonged time away from his work station.
With effect from August 1, 2023, Prof. Julius Ogeng’o has been selected by the Council to fill in for him in the Vice Chancellor’s position.
Professor Ogeng’o appointed UON acting Vice Chancellor
Ogeng’o teaches human anatomy and serves as the deputy vice chancellor for academic affairs at the moment.
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In addition, he oversees the University of Nairobi’s Centre for Self-Sponsored Programmes.
He holds degrees in BSc, MBChB, PhD, MD, and DSc from the University of Nairobi and is a skilled instructor and physician.
On January 5, 2020, Kiama was appointed vice chancellor of UON for a five-year term that will finish in 2025.
Prior to this, he served as the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administration and Human Resources.