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HomeGENERAL NEWS"Pay BOM Teachers By Tomorrow." Babu Promise To Block All Roads

“Pay BOM Teachers By Tomorrow.” Babu Promise To Block All Roads

Board Of Management Teachers Must Be Paid By Tomorrow – Babu Owino 

The Board of Management (BOM) teachers have not been paid yet even after President Kenyatta directing that they be paid. Since March this year, these teachers have been suffering without income. The treasury is said to have released money to the Ministry of Education some two weeks ago. 

The Ministry of Education claimed that the money had to undergo legal procedural steps before it was released to teachers. However, a lot of time has passed with BOM teachers wondering what kind of procedural steps was going on at the Ministry of Education. 

Chief Administrative Secretary Mr Zachary Kinuthia has promised teachers twice that money would be in their accounts after a certain duration of time but nothing positive has come out of his promises. 

The last time Mr Zackary assured teachers was on Wednesday when he promised that teachers would receive their money by Friday which came to pass with teachers staring at their empty thirsty bank accounts. 

Last Friday, the Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino together with Samburu Eastlegislature Honorable Naisula Lesuda had warned that should money not reach the BOM teachers by last Friday, Education Ministry would face the mother and father of all demonstrations in all counties, constituencies and wards this week. 

However, their threats seemed to have fallen into deaf ears as nothing happened with the Ministry of Education giving no explanation to teachers as to why the Ministry had failed to pay them on Friday despite the Assurance that they would do so. 

Today on Sunday, Honorable Babu Owino has thrown his last warning to the Education Ministry asking them to honour their pledge and give the teachers what's duly theirs in good time. In fact, Babu Owino posted that "BOM teachers must be paid by tomorrow." 

Babu Owino said that he will issue an official statement on Wednesday to give direction on how demonstrations will take place across the county by the Board of Management Teachers. He called for Proper mobilization by the BOM teachers calling the Police not to give petty excuses that they were not ready. 

He asked the police to have enough teargas to avoid any excuse that they were not ready because BOM teachers are ready. Babu now warns that if money does not reflect on teachers accounts by tomorrow then all roads will be blocked at midnight on the day of the demonstration and there will be no turning back.

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