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National ECDE Chairman Lawrence Otunga urge Education CS Magoha to work hand in hand with other stakeholders


National ECDE Chairman Lawrence Otunga urge Education CS Magoha to work hand in hand with other stakeholders

The National ECDE chairman Lawrence Otunga has said that teachers must be provided with medical cover. Appearing on TV47 Kenya on Tuesday, the ECDEchairman warned that should the teacher not be protected, the parent and learners will be at risk.

“Teachers should be provided with medical covers because if we fail to cover the ECDE teachers the child will land into problems, the problem will be transferred home to the parent. ” Lawrence Otunga, National Chairman ECDE

He noted that COVID-19 is here with us and life must continue pointing that learners cannot stay at home forever. “That’s why the Ministry Of Education has come up with the calendar to cover us up to the year 2023.” Lawrence Otunga, National Chairman ECDE said.

He congratulated the TSC boss Dr Nancy Macharia for coming up with a proper guideline meant to protect teachers adding that some unions have failed teachers. Otunga noted that some things ought to have been demanded by unions but have been left to the employer.

“The unions ought to have come out strongly to demand the health cover for all the front-liners, the teachers who are the employees of the Teachers Service Commission.”

He promised to work closely with the county governments to ensure that there is that budgetary allocation. Further, he urged the Education CS Magoha to work hand in hand with other stakeholders to ensure the smooth reopening of learning institutions.

“You can’t personalize the ministry of Education. Everything must be done in consultations with all the stakeholders.” Otunga said.

All Teachers Covered For Coronavirus-Related Hospitalizations – TSC says.


The Teachers Service Commission on Monday said all 337,000 government-employed teachers will get full medical cover under the Commission’s medical scheme AON Minet for coronavirus-related ailments.

The statement came as a relief to teachers as the health ministry declared funding of such medical bills under the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF).

The Ministry of Health estimates published in July detailed the cost of managing asymptomatic COVID-19 case at Ksh21,300 every day in a public hospital.

The Ministry announced critical cases necessitating supplemental oxygen run at an average of Ksh51,000 per day while severe cases requiring ventilatory support cost Ksh71,000 a day.

Patrick Amoth, the public Health Director-General demonstrated that the major contributor to the high cost of COVID-19 treatment is the Personal Protective Equipment most of which are single-use.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) have criticized the Ministry of Health’s financing of critical protective gear terming interventions by the Mutahi Kagwe-led ministry as ineffectual.

The union announced a 21-day strike notice on Sunday quoting exposure of its members to occupational dangers while handling COVID-19 cases due to the lack of protective gear.

EACC investigating unethical conduct by CS Magoha


In Summary

• EACC said, “The commission has reason to believe you have information that may assist in the investigation.”

•This is after the CS was last week captured on camera insulting Mbaka at Langas Primary School over the alleged poor state of the school.


The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has asked Uasin Gishu county director of Education Mr Gitonga Mbaka to record a statement after the alleged ‘unethical conduct’ by CS George Magoha.

In a statement on Monday, EACC stated, “The commission has reason to believe you have information that may assist in the investigation.” This is after the Cabinet Secretary was last week recorded on camera abusing Mbaka at Langas Primary School over the claimed poor state of the school.

In a statement last Friday, PSC Communications Director Browne Kutswa stated all human resource functions had been moved to Education PS Richard Belio Kipsang.

“PSC Chairman Stephen Kirogo in a circular addressed to chairpersons of Public Universities Councils and copied to the Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua, said all human resource matters requiring the attention of the Public Service Commission shall henceforth be handled by Dr Kipsang as Authorized Officer of the Ministry until further notice,” PSC Chairman Stephen Kirogo said.

“Kirogo noted that the move was in the exercise of the Commission’s powers and commitment to protecting public servants against undignified and unwarranted attacks, reiterating that the execution of delegated authority is designed to foster public confidence and maintain the integrity and dignity of the public service.”

However, Magoha said he would continue to discharge his duties, adding his appointing authority is the President.

Senators Wants Education CS Magoha be reprimanded in line with ethics and law provisions.


In Summary

  • Senate Majority Leader Samuel Poghisio said that Magoha’s sentiments were unacceptable.
  • Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina said Education CS George Magoha should be reprimanded as the Public Officer Ethics Act binds him
  • Nominated Senator Getrude Musuruve has termed Magoha’s utterances as demeaning the teaching profession
  • ELP party leader Steve Nderi noted that with Human Resource powers stripped off from the CS, there is no important role that he has in the ministry.

The miseries facing embattled Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha deepened yesterday after Senators asked the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission to take step against him in line with the Public Officer Ethics Act.

The move was embraced by ELP party leader Steve Nderi. “It is a step in the right direction for Senators or any individual to want Magoha to resign, we must start practising the integrity of public officers. The best way of practising is by demanding the best conduct of our state officers.” Steve Nderi, Party Leader(ELP)

Lawmakers are demanding that President Uhuru Kenyatta take action, including but not limited to suspending and sacking Magoha, for publicly abusing a fomer teacher and a senior education official in Uasin Gishu County.

Their calls come days after the Public Service Commission stripped the CS of powers to manage human resource roles at his ministry, a move, he said will not stop him from fulfilling his duties. The development also comes days after Magoha was criticised and accused of being arrogant following a video clip of him scolding and yelling insults at an education official in Uasin Gishu.

In the video, the Cabinet Secretary, who was on a visit to various schools on November 6th, to evaluate learning and delivery of desks, is captured questioning Uasin Gishu Director of Education Mr Gitonga Mbaka, concerning alleged untidiness of Langas Primary school.

The CS, apparently dispeased by the answer of the official, hurled insults at Mr Mbaka, and is videotaped saying in Kiswahili, and I quote, “Nikisema wewe ni mjinga, ni uwongo?” taken to loosely mean (If I said you are foolish would I be lying?),’ Magoha stated, before ordering the senior staff to march away from the assemblage. Led by Senate Majority Leader Samuel Poghisio, Narok Senator Ledama ole Kina his Nominated counterparts Naomi Shiyonga.

Steve Nderi, Party Leader said that the CS was carrying out duties bestowed to him by Kenyans and therefore must respect them. “We must understand that state officers are not doing us a favour by serving in those offices, they must understand that they are being paid by Kenyans so they must also respect them.” Steve Nderi noted.

Getrude Musuruve and Abshiro Halake said such kind of treatment by the CS, or any leaders is critical, and should be rebuked in the strongest way possible. The CS should be the last person to set a bad example to the public, including to millions of children in our education sector where he has been given the privilege to lead,” Shiyonga noted.

“If indeed the CS had issues to raise with the concerned official, there are channels and procedures that he ought to follow in-stead of insulting his juniors,” she added. Concerned official On his part, Senator Poghisio opined that Magoha’s attitudes were unacceptable and violation of the African culture.

“It is not good to shout at someone whose children and family are around. It de-means them,” Poghisio said. Though Magoha has registered remarkable performance in institutions he has worked, including successfully running a university, the examination council, Poghisio held that the CS must apologise to teachers and entire country,.

“We demand that he apologises to teachers and the country. I also get angered, but I cannot disrespect people who have also been allowed to work by the same Government,” Poghisio, the West Pokot Senator said.

Ole Kina also noted the CS should be reproached as the Public Offi-cer Ethics Act binds him. “wish to remind him that the Act, which he subscribes to and signed to abide by, prohibits that kind of unprofessionalism. It is about time pub-lic officers, including us, realised that we serve those offices by the will of God and privilege,”

“We do not come to Parliament to pass legislation for certain individuals to cherry pick what to respect and what not to re-spect.

These laws are important and man-datory for all of us,” he continued. Public Officer Ethics Act states that a public officer shall carry out his conduct in a way that maintains public confidence in the integrity of his office.

“The way he has been handling the whole issue of going back to school, giving contradicting information its something that has not been inspiring hopes to very many Kenyans and therefore it is the right move towards Magoha to resign and to set the standards high for public.” Steve Nderi said.

Halake has on the her side criticised Ed-ucation CS for running around the country, going to every school, to abuse junior of-ficers because he considers himself more powerful. “Why would a sitting CS go and start running in classrooms. I have seen the CS do that in very many little corners of this country.

That is a recipe for conflict,” Musuruve has termed Magoha’s utter-ances as demeaning the teaching profes-sion saying that he should apologise to the teachers’ fraternity. According to her, if he does not apolo-gize, then he will set bad precedence where a CS or any other State official can decide to Just arrogate powers to himself and decide to do what he wants

“This is a wrong precedence.The CS needs to apol-ogise publicly to teachers. His actions are unacceptable,” she said. She continued: “He should appear be-fore the Senate, explain himself and apol-ogise to Kenyans. Being in that position does not mean he is better than others. It is God’s favor. When God favors you, it does not mean that you step on others?

“For someone who has been stripped off powers to manage the human resource, then I dont see any important role that he has in the ministry.” Steve Nderi who is the ELP party leader noted.




Cartels want to remove Magoha over slur on education official. KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion claims.


Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary-General, Wilson Sossion, has come to the defence of Education CS Prof George Magoha, who is under fire for of abusing and disrespecting teachers and education officials.

In last week”s video that went viral, CS Magoha was seen hurling insults to a senior elderly education officer in Uasin Gishu County.

The nation rebuked Magoh’s act calling for his resignation and apology.

The CS, however, refused to apologize. On Saturday, Sossion stated that cartels have blown the episode out of proportion following CS Magoha’s strong position on corruption in the ministry.

“The same cartels who fought and removed CS Amina Mohamed are taking advantage of a minor incident to remove Magoha because of his stance against corruption,” Sossion said.

The KNUT boss said there was nothing wrong with the CS asking tough questions from his field officer, who had failed in his duties.

“What really was the personal concern of Magoha at Langas Primary School? Proper hygiene and he was asking questions to his field officer?” he posed. “A minor thing is being blown out of proportion and cartels are taking advantage to have him out.”

Sossion mentioned Magoha’s position on corruption, approach of Covid-19 in school and national examinations, as some of the cause he is being fought.

Sossion spoke hours after the Public Service Commission (PSC) stripped off Magoha’s poweres on human resource and transferred them to his junior, Basic Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang, in what seems to be a gradual approach to boot him out of the sensitive docket.

CS Magoha expresses regret over slur on education official. Says no one is perfect.


Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha has expressed regret over a recent incident in which he was caught on camera seriously abusing a senior education officer in Uasin Gishu County.

Although he did not give a clear apology, Professor Magoha stated nobody is perfect and asked all public administrators to do their jobs excellently.

“I would like to state without any fear of contradiction that in my life, which is not very young and not very old, I have learnt that nobody is perfect. If anybody has seen a perfect person, you should tell me that person. What drives me is practising Christianity,” he said.

CS Magoha was addressing the press at Yumbisye Secondary School in Kitui Central on yesterday after inspecting the newly obtained desks; he had earlier on visited Manyenyoni Primary School in the same constituency.

“But what I want to tell you and those who have seen us elsewhere is that if you have a job to do please ensure that you do it and you do it in a timely manner. Once you have done your best leave the rest to God,” the tough-talking CS emphasized.

His opinions came at a time when he was under attack for publicly abusing Uasin Gishu County Director of Education Mr Gitonga Mbaka.

In a video clip, which has since spread all over the media, Magoha can be heard abusing and insulting Mr Mbaka and even chased him from the gathering they were having with area education stakeholders.

The act extorted uproar from education officials and leaders in Uasin Gishu County who asked Prof. Magoha to apologize and even resign.

Magoha on Friday suffered a blow after he was stripped off his human resource powers over the incident.

Public Service Commission (PSC) Chairman Stephen Kirogo, in a circular, stated that all human resource affairs shall henceforth be dealt by Education Principal Secretary Dr Belio Kipsang until further notice.

“The purpose of this general letter is to inform you that in view of the recent incident in the Ministry of Education relating to the role of the Authorized Officer, the Commission has in the meantime withdrawn the delegation of its powers and functions from the Cabinet Secretary, Prof. George A. O. Magoha, CBS and delegated the said powers to the Principal Secretary for Early Learning and Basic Education, Dr Richard Belio Kipsang, CBS with immediate effect,” read the circular addressed to chairpersons of Public Universities Councils.

The PSC boss termed Prof. Magoha’s actions towards the official as “undignified and unwarranted.”

“Mr Kirogo noted that the move was in the exercise of the Commission’s powers and commitment to protecting public servants against undignified and unwarranted attacks, reiterating that the execution of delegated authority is designed to foster public confidence and maintain the integrity and dignity of the public service,” read the letter.

Stakeholders proposals on fees, exams and term dates as Magoha convenes academic calendar meeting on Monday


Education stakeholders will meet on Monday to draft a new school calendar for approximately ten million learners as stress and worry hits parents over January fees load.

Primary and secondary schools heads on Friday said the adjusted calendar must have a similar funding formula as the government moves to regain the lost 7 months.


Parents also stated shorter school terms must draw fewer fees and urged the Government to cushion them from the severe economic conditions if terms will be longer.

“We must calculate, per week, what it costs to keep learners in schools and parents just made to pay for that,” National Parents Association chairman Nicholas Maiyo said.

A normal academic year contains about 40 weeks, with the 1st and 2nd terms divided into 14 weeks each. The third term which is shorter lasts for about 10 weeks.

The Government funds about Ksh22,244 fees per child every year, with day schools parents, expected to spend lunch fees of roughly Ksh9,375 per year.

Boarding schools impose a fee between Ksh40,000 and Ksh53,000 per child every year. Mr Maiyo maintained that should the timetable be made longer, the Government should put funding means in place to cushion parents.

“Most parents lost jobs and some who do businesses have lost income. And as was done with other sectors, parents will request to be assisted to see their children through,” said Maiyo.

The Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has called stakeholders meeting for Monday to review the new school calendar as ordered by President Kenyatta.

Short terms

Recommendations have already been hovered to reduce school terms period, have longer lessons and to appropriate weekends to formulate more study time.

Some have also suggested lessening holidays and compressing academic work to only teach crucial areas. Education Chief Administrative Secretary Zackary Kinuthia stated that fees will be adjusted to balance weeks learnt.

“No parent should be worried at all because we will not burden them. What we, however, need serious engagement on is what will happen on state funding,” said Kinuthia.

Parents have announced that with ineffectual funding from the government, learning institutions may pass on the costs to them even as primary and secondary school heads said the modified timetable must have a corresponding funding plan.

“Funding will be a major issue when schools open and the Government will have to explain how they intend to model the financing,” the secondary school heads national chairman Kahi Indimuli said.

He said the Ksh14 billion issued to schools was not sufficient, compelling heads to cut corners to plug shortages. The Primary School Heads Association National Chairman Nicholas Gathemia said the money was not sent to schools to provide for Covid-19 mitigation.

“No money was allocated per child towards Covid-19. We were only sent normal capitation and heads have had to work out ways of getting things done. This is unfortunate,” he said.

In the money wired to learning institutions, each child was allotted Ksh3,726 rather than Ksh4,426. Another Ksh700 was retained at the ministry to fund teachers employed by the Boards of Management (BOM).

Following the reductions, Kahi Indimuli said schools were simply left with Ksh3,226 to cater for the rest of expenses such as electricity, water and pending bills.

Speaking on 13th of November, school heads maintained that should the new dates be advanced in two academic years in 2021, funding must be open.

This is based on recommendations by some stakeholders that the remaining 2nd and 3rd term for Grade 1 to 3, Class 5 to 7 and Form 1 to 3 be covered between January and May.

This would witness another academic year start in June or July and end in December. Some stakeholders have also suggested a shift in the school calendar that would see all learners start the new school year in September 2021.

The Examinations

Under this recommendation, Grade 4, Class 8 and Form 4 learners, who are currently in school, would not continue classes in January 2021 after their 2nd term lessons end in December.

Alternatively, the rest of the learners in grade 1 to 3, class 5 to 7 and form 1 to 3 would be expected to begin the second term on January 3.

With all learners having covered 2nd term work, all classes would resume learning in May to complete term 3, paving way for examinations in July or August.

All learners would then begin a new academic year in Sept.

How President Kenyatta Reacted Before Magoha Was Stripped Off Powers


The information has emerged exhibiting how President Uhuru Kenyatta reacted to a video of Education CS George Magoha abusing a County Director of Education. 

Internal sources revealed to Daily Nation affirmed that the Head of State was not gratified by the incident which sparked anger and public condemnation of the Cabinet Secretary. 

Kenyatta was further angered that the CS caused a picture which attracted public resentment forcing the Public Service Commission to withdraw his power to manage the human resource functions

Insiders who spoke to Standard added that the President is losing faith in Magoha for taking long to resolve the education crisis. 

On Thursday, November 12th, President Kenyatta directed the CS to issue the 2021 academic calendar within 14 days. Grade four, Class eight and Form 4 students were the only ones approved to resume learning on October 12, with other learners stuck at home for over 7 months. 

"As a parent and a grandparent, I share in the pain and frustration of most parents in having our children home for nearly an entire year.

However, as a responsible government, we put the health and safety of the children as the paramount consideration," Kenyatta stated while speaking to a joint session of the National Assembly and Senate.

The Education stakeholders embraced PSC's directive which gave human resource powers to Magoha's assistant, Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang. 

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) Chairman Omboko Milemba praised PSC for stripping Magoha's powers. 

“All he needed was to apologise and humble himself. Education is a social sector where social values are valuable.

"This should be a lesson to all of us in the public sector to be careful the way we deal with human resource issues," Milemba stated. 

Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary-General supported Magoha and rebuked the directive issued by PSC Chairman Stephen Kirogo. 

"He has not abused teachers. He is simply disciplining his staff," Sossion stated. 

Education CS Magoha stripped off human resource powers for abusing teachers. PS Kipsang now in charge.


The Public Service Commission (PSC) has withdrawn all human resource powers assigned to the Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha.

PSC Chairman Stephen Kirogo in a circular directed to chairpersons of Public Universities Councils and copied to the Head of Public Service Dr Joseph Kinyua on Friday, November 13, stated that all human resource concerns requiring the attention of the Public Service Commission shall henceforth be dealt with PS Kipsang as the approved officer of the ministry until further notice.

The PSC Chairman said the move was in the practice of the Commission’s powers and responsibility to defend public servants from undignified and unfair attacks and to promote public confidence and sustain the integrity and honour of the public service.

“The purpose of this general letter is to inform you that in view of the recent incident in the Ministry of Education relating to the role of the Authorized Officer, the Commission has in the meantime withdrawn the delegation of its powers and functions from the Cabinet Secretary, Prof. George A. O. Magoha, CBS and delegated the said powers to the Principal Secretary for Early Learning and Basic Education, Dr Richard Belio Kipsang, CBS with immediate effect,” the circular reads.

In the circular, the Commission requests Authorized Officers to act in a way that is harmonious with provisions of the Constitution, applicable legal provisions, statutes, policies, guidelines and manuals for competent management of the public service including public universities

The removal of functions is due to the remarks made by the CS over the weekend that extorted backlash from a section of angry Kenyans, many accusing of ignorance, pride and lack of leadership skills over how he addressed the senior official in Nandi County.

Several Kenyans have been mobilizing for his sacking terming his actions disrespectful. The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) asked for an apology but the CS maintained that he had nothing to apologize over his way of leadership.

In a video seen by Teachers Update, CS Magoha dressed down the elderly local County Director of Education (CDE) Mbaga Gitonga in the presence of teachers, students and journalists at Langas Primary School.

CS Magoha had visited the region to inspect the process of delivery of desks and preparedness of schools in accommodating learners while complying with the Ministry of Health guidelines. He decided to stop at Langas Primary where he was displeased by the state of hygiene.

It was at that point that Magoha unleashed his fury on Gitonga who wanted to give him a report.

“The situation on the ground is not good,” Magoha said in the video. The elderly education director sought to demonstrate why the school was in untidy state but a visibly irritated Magoha was far from impressed.

“I am not talking about a report, I am talking about what is here on the ground,” Magoha said to the officer.

The Commission has now called upon authorized officers to act in a manner that is consistent with provisions of the Constitution, applicable statutory requirements, regulations, policies, guidelines and manuals for effective management of the public service including public universities.

“If I say you are a fool would I be lying?” Magoha posed to the official. The grey-haired official did not utter a word before the CS chased him from the meeting stating, “Wewe ni mjinga kabisa (You are very foolish).”

Bitter Sudi tells Professor Magoha to apologize to Kenyans for abusing an elderly father


Oscar Sudi has called on president Uhuru Kenyatta to sack the Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha after a video of him ‘bullying’ a junior in Uasin Gishu county sparked outrage. 

In the video captured at Langas Primary School in Eldoret, the CS is seen angrily gesticulating at the Uasin Gishu County director of education, Dr Gitonga Mbaka, whom he calls a “complete fool” in the full glare of cameras, teachers and other officials.

Honourable Sudi has criticized Magoha’s attitude toward his junior workers noting that the CS earns a salary from Kenyan taxpayers. “You are abusing someone’s father, someone’s family.” He said

“That position you are holding, and the salary you are earning comes from all these Kenyans. Do not think you have more brains than of that elderly man you abused…you are abusing someone’s grandfather in front of students and all other Kenyans.”

“I want to tell you Magoha, even my teachers here who teach Grade three, can hold that position and perform better than you,” he continued as the crowd cheered.

He reminded Magoha that the government which gave him the job was formed by Kenyans. Hon Sudi asked the CS to apologize and stop his pride. “You can’t tell us you are a professor and that you have worked for so long and therefore you cannot apologize.

“We will stand with that elderly father, and as a whole Kenya, we will not accept that. With all your pride in that position, you were taught by these teachers. I wish I were here. That was a mistake.” Concluded the MP noting that before God we are all equal.

This comes even as the Education CS Magoha maintained that he will not apologize.

“Nobody should be surprised at how I do things, I was in KNEC (Kenya National Examinations Council) … I made things work and now I am here to protect the interest of parents and children. Anytime I cannot do that I have no business being here,” said Magoha.

KUPPET has been urging the CS to apologize before he gets cursed the Ameru Way.

“Prof Magoha must also apologise to the Ameru Council of Elders for insulting Dr Mbaka who comes from Tharaka-Nithi County and is a member of the council,” said Kuppet executive secretary Patrick Gitonga

“We are also going to call upon Njuri Ncheke so that they can maybe call on the Minister to apologise, failure to which he will be cursed the Meru way,” Gitonga stated.

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