Mwalimu Sacco Society Membership
Mwalimu National Sacco Membership . There are two classes of members in the society and they exercise different rights as per the By-laws 10.
These classes are;
- Class A Membership
- Class B Membership
Class A Members Consists of:
✓ Employed of TSC in Post primary, TSC secretariat, Mwalimu Sacco Society staff, TVET Institutions and any subsidiary of mwalimu National Sacco.
✓ All primary school teachers with an academic qualification of Diploma and Degree employed by TSC.
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✓ Primary Teacher with qualification below diploma will admitted into the membership on their own by the board.
✓ Employed working in the government ministries and departments or other institutions have check-off facilities with the Sacco.
✓ Spouses of member and members’ children above the age of 18.
✓ The Lecturers in all public and private institutions.
✓ All teachers with Diploma and Degree, registered by the teachers Service Commission and employed by the Board of Management (BoM).
✓ Student who were previously sponsored by the society under the Child Hope Foundation and are above 18 years.
✓ The former employees of the TSC and other government related primary institutions.
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Class B Members Shall Consist Of:
~ All the students who are undertaking their education related studies leading to acquisition of diploma and degrees.
~ Those members who have withdrawn their deposits and have not yet transferred their shares to another member.
~ All Share Capital Members.
Qualifications For Membership
Person’s wishing to join the membership shall possess the following qualifications;
° Persons who are 18 years and above.
° Kenyan Citizens or ordinary resident of Kenya
° A person of sound mind
° Person’s who have not been convicted of any criminal offense and if convicted has not been jailed for more than 6 months.
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° A person of good Standing.
Persons belonging to another co-operative which has similar objectives as those contained in these by-laws are not eligible for membership.
Application For Membership And Re-Admission – Mwalimu National Sacco Membership
New Membership
- People wishing to join the membership, shall complete application of membership form where they will supply their details necessary for registration.
- Once the form has been received, it will be allocated a membership number and file in the members personal file and the number assigned entered into the members register.
- A member shall be admitted into the membership upon paying Shs. 2,000 as entrance fee and having been accepted by the Board.
Re-Admission To Membership
- A members shall rejoin the membership after withdrawing from the society after a period of not less than 3 months. However, such time frame shall be subject to review by the Board from time to time.
- Payment of Re-Admission fee of Sh. 2000 or such other amount as may be determined by the board from time to time.
- Upon Re-Admission, the member shall be treated a new member for purposes of qualifications for membership rights.
- Upon admission or Re-Admission, a member shall be issues with the biometric Identification and will receive the By-laws and they will be available on the website.
Refusal for Admission
Membership may be refused by the Board and the member will be required to appeal in the next annual Delegates meeting through his branch.
The appeal shall be determined of the necessary notice has been given according to the applicable law.
Mwalimu National Sacco Membership