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Magoha Slams Critics, Says CBC Is On The Right Path As Parents Begin The Process Of Stopping The New Curriculum

George Magoha, Cabinet Secretary for Education, has dismissed critics of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and stated that the education system is on the right track.

Speaking at the University of Embu's sixth graduation ceremony, where 1,570 graduands received diplomas and degrees, the CS stated that there should be no heroes in the process and that the only goal was to transform the education system.


“For once, Kenya’s education sector is on the right trajectory by focusing on skills and competencies of learners other than ranking and cut-throat competition that has been at the center of the sector for long,” Magoha said on Friday.

He also challenged graduates to be job creators rather than job seekers by applying what they learned in school.

“Don’t fool yourself to stay for 10 years awaiting employment when you can be adaptable and take what is available,” the CS said.

Last week, unhappy Kenyan parents have taken to social media to highlight the difficulties they face while assisting their children with their homework.

Parents accused CBC of being too engaging, claiming that teachers were giving students too many assignments, forcing them to intervene. Some private schools require students to bring reams of printing paper, more than ten textbooks for each subject, and other stationery. Schools in urban areas are the most affected.

KICD also defended CBC stating that the spirit of CBS is to leverage readily available materials to facilitate learning. CEO Charles Ong'ondo stated that CBC has nothing to do with students being required to bring a stack of textbooks to school.

He stated that the curriculum provides suggested learning materials, which means that teachers are expected to make rational decisions on what is required to aid learning, depending on the location of a school.

A Nairobi-based lawyer has already filed a legal challenge to the creation and implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) to replace the 8-4-4 education system.

Esther Ang'awa, a parent of a Standard Three student, claims the implementation of the CBC has economic implications for students, parents, and caregivers.

She asks the court to prevent the ministry from implementing the new education system further, claiming that the rollout violated the Basic Education Act of 2013 and the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act of 2013.

According to the parent's 69-page petition, the implementation of CBC was done in an opaque manner and is shrouded in confusion because the government failed to consult and involve all stakeholders.

Professor George Magoha, cabinet secretary for education, slammed critics of the competency-based curriculum, insisting that the new educational system is here to stay. Magoha defended the new curriculum and dismissed concerns that it is expensive and overburdens parents and children.

The CS acknowledged that there will be growing pains that will need to be addressed along the way but insisted there is no turning back.

"We know for sure as a government that nothing is perfect. We also know for sure that CBC is not perfect, but we also know for sure that it left the station in 2018." Magoha said.

Magoha has in the recent past been put on the spot for not allowing its officers to speak on CBC. The CS however feels that this is not necessary and dismissed the input of education experts as well as critics terming them ignorant.

The CBC has also been faulted for over engaging parents in learner's school work but top ministry officials are defending this emphasizing the need for parents to be fully engaged in education.




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