
Magoha Slams Critics Over CBC, Terms Them Ignorant As Complaints On The New Curriculum Mounts

Magoha Slams Critics Over CBC, Terms Them Ignorant As Complaints On The New Curriculum Mounts

Professor George Magoha, cabinet secretary for education, has slammed critics of the competency-based curriculum, insisting that the new educational system is here to stay.

During a breakfast meeting with education stakeholders to discuss concerns about the competency-based curriculum, Magoha defended the new curriculum and dismissed concerns that it is expensive and overburdens parents and children.


"Stop distracting their parents, stop confusing the five million children who are already hooked on the CBC that you are going to stop it through a court process. The trauma is too much and it is not necessary. If it is politics it is not worth it." Said Magoha during the meeting.

The CS, on the other hand, acknowledged that there will be growing pains that will need to be addressed along the way. Already, the Law Society of Kenya has indicated that it will challenge the CBC in court, but there is no turning back for the cabinet secretary for education.

"We know for sure as a government that nothing is perfect. We also know for sure that CBC is not perfect, but we also know for sure that it left the station in 2018." Magoha said.

Magoha has in the recent past been put on the spot for not allowing its officers to speak on CBC. The CS however feels that this is not necessary and dismissed the input of education experts as well as critics terming them ignorant.

The CBC has also been faulted for over engaging parents in learner's school work but top ministry officials are defending this emphasizing the need for parents to be fully engaged in education

"We are complaining about parents not getting time to be their children, we are complaining that teachers are not well trained, we are complaining about infrastructure. I have never seen a single person a single parent complaining that their child is not learning." Said Julius Jwan.

On teacher preparedness the teacher service commission (TSC) says over 228 000 primary school teachers have been trained with another high training for over sixty thousand secondary school teachers scheduled for March and April next year.

Guardians and parents last week took to social media complaining that some assignments learners carry home have tight timelines given and money spent in purchasing materials to be used in the school projects.

Parents accused CBC of being too engaging, claiming that teachers were giving students too many assignments, forcing them to intervene. Some private schools require students to bring reams of printing paper, more than ten textbooks for each subject, and other stationery. Schools in urban areas are the most affected.

KICD noted that the spirit of CBS is to leverage readily available materials to facilitate learning. CEO Charles Ong'ondo stated that CBC has nothing to do with students being required to bring a stack of textbooks to school.

He stated that the curriculum provides suggested learning materials, which means that teachers are expected to make rational decisions on what is required to aid learning, depending on the location of a school.

The Institute, whose core function is to conduct research and develop curricular and curriculum support materials, has further encouraged parents to raise any unsuitable homework with the headteachers of the schools initially, but they feel if it is not addressed it can be reported to KICD, Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission.

The new curriculum has been criticised by stakeholders calling for the country to revert to the 8-4-4 system saying the Competency Base Curriculum (CBC) is fraudulent. 

Those opposed to the curriculum says it is being implemented in a very unprofessional manner adding that it failed to follow all the required procedures before its adoption. However, Magoha has maintained that the CBC "is here to stay" and no complaints will force the government to change course on the matter.




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