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List of KMTC certificate courses, fees structure, admission requirements 2023/2024

List of KMTC certificate courses, fees structure, admission requirements 2023/2024

The Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) has been ranked the best medical training college in Kenya.

The institutions have greatly contributed to the development of the health sector in the economy.

Its believed that the colleges produce over 10,000 graduates yearly who in turn go to work as either private or public medical practitioners.

The training colleges across the country offer a range of courses from higher diplomas and diploma and other short courses which facilitate professional development.

If you are a student interested and passionate in medical field, you can enroll in any of the colleges across the country for the course of your choice.

The colleges offers 76 approved medical courses to all candidates who are qualified across all the training colleges in the country.

KUCCPS opens 2023/2024 online application

Candidates with lower grades are not left out as they can enroll for those courses and upgrade later.

KMTC certificate courses & Fees Structure

The courses offered at the training colleges are organized and arranged according to the departments they belong.

The list below shows the various KMTC certificate courses alongside their entry requirements.

1. Certificate in Community Health Assistants

This course entails provision of health Education, promotion of Access to health Services and advocacy and give support in healthcare delivery in the community.

Minimum Requirements

  • Mean grade of C- (minus) at KCSE
  • D+ in English or Kiswahili
  • D+ in Biological Sciences or biology
  • D plain in chemistry, Mathematics, physics or physical sciences.

2. Certificate in Community Health Nursing 

This course prepares one for participation and promotion of health activities within a community professionally.

After successful training, one qualifies to be a community nurse.

Minimum Requirements

  • Mean grade of C- (minus) at KCSE
  • D+ in English or Kiswahili
  • D+ in Biological Sciences or biology
  • D plain in chemistry, Mathematics, physics or physical sciences.

The course takes a duration of 2½ years.

3. Certificate in Environmental Health Sciences

This is a health technician course. This course prepares you on how to identify and analyzed the environment with the aim of identifying the hazardous agents.

After successful completion of the course, one is able to understand and limit the exposure to toxic agents which may be biological, chemical or physical that affect human health.

Minimum Requirements

  • Mean grade of C- (minus) at KCSE
  • D+ in English or Kiswahili
  • D+ in Biological Sciences or biology
  • D (plain) in Mathematics

This course takes a duration of 2 years.

4. Certificate in Health Promotion for the Deaf (CHPD)

This programme is only provided for deaf students. Also those students who wish to add more knowledge on top of what they have, can enroll for this course.

Minimum Requirements

  • Mean grade of D+ at KCSE
  • D+ in English or sign language
  • D ( plain) in Biology or biological sciences
  • D (plain) in any of Agriculture, chemistry, mathematics or general science.

The course lasts for a duration of two years.

5. Certificate in Health Records and Information Technology 

This course prepares one to become a medical health record information technician.

One will be responsible for ensuring safety of patient’s records and updating them from time to time.

Minimum Entry Requirements 

  • Mean grade of C- (minus) at KCSE
  • C- in English or Kiswahili
  • D plain in Biological Sciences or biology
  • D- (minus) in mathematics and D+ in Agriculture or Chemistry or commerce or Business Studies.

The course takes a duration of 2 years.

KUCCPS Revises List of KCSE Candidates eligible for Degree courses

6.Certificate in Health Records and Information Technology ( In-service Category 

This course targets those who are already working in a records department which is recognized who are yet to acquire professional qualifications.

Minimum Requirements 

  • Minimum of a D+ plus in KCSE
  • D+ English or Kiswahili
  • D- in mathematics
  • An experience of two years in a recognized Health Records and Information Department.
  • Departmental recommendation from the office in charge of the department.
  • Appointment letter to current position

The course takes a maximum of two years.

7. Certificate in medical Engineering 

This course equips one with skills to install, service and repair hosipital systems and medical equipments.

Minimum Requirements

  • Mean grade of C- ( minus) at KCSE level
  • C- in kiswahili or English
  • D ( plain) in mathematics
  • D (plain) in physics or physical sciences or Chemistry.

The duration for this course is 2 years.

8. Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics

This course is meant to equip students with skill that will enable them gather knowledge of becoming nutritionists or  dieticians.

You will learn all the aspects of proper diet, weight management, health and many more.

Minimum Entry Requirements

  • KCSE mean grade of D+
  • D+ in Kiswahili/English
  • D+ in Biological and biological Sciences.
  • D plain in chemistry or physical sciences.

Two years is the duration of this course.

9. Certificate in Orthopaedic Trauma Medicine 

This is one of the many lucrative courses in the country.  You can take this course at certificate level.

This course equips you with necessary knowledge to diagnose and treat conditions associated with musculoskeletal system.

Minimum Requirements

  • Mean freade of C- ( minus)
  • C- (minus) in kiswahili or English
  • D+ in Biology or Biological Sciences.

The programme duration is two years.

10. Short certificate Courses

You can enroll for short medical courses in Kenya courtesy of KMTC. These programmes are available for both individuals and corporations.

These are meant to boost your professional development in your working area.

Does KMTC offer certificate in Nursing? KMTC certificate courses & Fees Structure

Under the nursing department, students can enroll for certificate course in Nursing like Community health nursing.

This course is available in selected KMTC campuses offered for a period of two years.

List of KMTC certificate courses, fees structure, admission requirements 2023/2024

KMTC Fee Structure

There three fees structures offered by KMTC. They include;

  1. In-service Fees – this is available for those students who wish to enroll in in-service courses.
  2. Regular fess – this is applicable for all regular students.
  3. Self-Sponsored Fees – this is applicable for all the self sponsored students without government sponsorship.
  4. Short courses fees structure

Note: KMTC fees keeps changing subject to review which is communicated to learners in time.

You can download the fees structure for all the above courses below ????.

[embeddoc url=”https://educationnewsarena.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/KMTC-fees-structure-2021_2022-04.08.2021-1.pdf” download=”all”]

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