C1 Teachers Promotion Interview Required Documents
For the TSC promotion interviews in December 2023 for the position of Senior Teacher II (T-Scale 7 Grade C2), the following seven requirements are essential:
1) You must present your original National ID Card.
2) Ensure you bring your original Academic and Professional Certificates with you.
3) A Letter of appointment to your current Grade is required.
4) If applicable, provide a Letter of appointment to your current post.
5) Include Analysed individual subject results from KCPE/KCSE Examinations for the past three years. These results should be certified by TSC County Directors/Sub County Directors.
6) Have your Performance Appraisal Reports for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022 ready.
7) Any other relevant testimonials supporting your performance should be included.
It’s important to arrive at the interview venue at least one hour before the time indicated in your appointment letter. Good luck with your application!
C1 Teachers Promotion Interview Required Documents