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KICD Promise To Take Parents Concerns Seriously As High Court Invites Formal Applications From parties Seeking To Be Enjoined In CBC case

Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has promised to address some of the concerns raised by parents about the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), which has sparked outrage in recent weeks.

A petition has already been filed in court to challenge the program's implementation, as pressure mounts on Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha to review it.

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“A curriculum is not fixed on stone; we are cognizant that after every cycle we are supposed to review. We are already working on reviewing the early years up to Grade Three and our quality assurance teams are at work,” said Professor Charles Ong’ondo, KICD Chief Executive Officer.

Some parents believe the program was rushed through without public participation from all stakeholders, and others believe it does not promise a bright future for students.

Earlier this week, the KICD CEO stated that the review process will be narrowed on early-year levels such as Pre-Primary I, Pre-Primary II, and grades One, Two, and Three based on feedback from the field and input from cross-sectional stakeholders.

The curriculum review is in accordance with the International Bureau of Education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which states that the curriculum should be reviewed every five years.

The review process is expected to include all education stakeholders, including parents, in order to address some of the teething problems in the new curriculum, which was implemented in 2018 following two years of piloting.

“We shall be looking the curriculum’s content and ask ourselves whether there might have been an overload at some stages or classes and we shall be asking questions like might we have been ambitious in certain areas. We shall also relook at teacher education and ask whether there are gaps in expectations on parents and other stakeholders,” Ong’ondo said.

A group of parents and education stakeholders have expressed concern about what they see as unreasonable and ballooning demands placed on schools in the course of implementing the curriculum.

The CBC program is currently facing a legal stumbling block after High Court advocate Esther Ang'awa filed a petition in court challenging its implementation.

Ang'awa, represented by Law Society of Kenya (LSK) President Nelson Havi, has asked the court to halt further implementation of the program pending the outcome of the case.

Her argument is that changing the 8-4-4 system is illegal and ambiguous because it converts a primary school into a secondary institution without a clear transition process.

Despite the raging debate over the curriculum, Education Secretary Prof George Magoha has dismissed CBC critics, claiming that the program, which began in 2018, is being implemented by “very competent technocrats.”

Despite the opposition, Magoha stated that the new 2-6-6-3 curriculum would be implemented. The Education Cabinet Secretary has already hired Senior Counsel Philip Murgor to represent him in court, where he was named as a respondent alongside the Ministry and other state agencies.

High Court has also directed over 10,000 private schools, Katiba Institute and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) seeking to be enjoined in the CBC case to file a formal application.



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