Full Reviewed ECDE Teachers Salary Scale 2023-2024 Per County
Reviewed ECDE salary 2023.The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has clarified the pay information for teachers and carers who work in the area of early childhood development and education (ECDE).
In Nairobi (Cluster 1), the minimum pay for ECDE teachers should be between Ksh 14,961 and Ksh 15,842. In other places (Cluster 4), the minimum wage should be between Ksh 13,211 and Ksh 14,092.
This plan looks at how county governments can stay open and pay their bills in the long run.
SRC says it is not true that ECDE teachers are paid less than the minimum wage required by law. This is what sources say. Instead of the instructors’ gross pay, we used their basic income for these projects.
Even though the Salary and Salary Commission wants to cut the pay of Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers, the Ministry of Education wants to raise their pay.
On January 13, 2023, county governments asked the SRC to explain the salaries and perks of Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers.
As part of the third pay review cycle, which includes this step, the SRC is now looking at the salaries of all public workers, including ECDE teachers. The results should be known by June 2023.
Dr. Belio Kipsang, the Permanent Secretary for Basic Education, talked about how important the job that ECDE teachers do in pre-primary schools is, and he urged the Senate committee to talk to the SRC about raising the teachers’ pay.
Dr. Kipsang asked the government to harmonise and create a single plan of service for Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers in all counties. This would get rid of the difference in pay between teachers who work full-time and those who work on a contract. He thinks that good ECDE can cut the cost of schooling by 15%.
The guy said, “The work that ECDE teachers do can’t be compared to other levels of education because they are the first to interact with and bring every child into the school journey.”
The Salary and Remuneration Commission (SRC) was set up by the Kenyan Constitution of 2010. It has two major jobs. First and foremost, it is in charge of figuring out and setting the pay for all State
Also Read: Ministry Sub-county Directors To Manage Teachers, Schools
Second, it tells the federal, state, and local governments how to pay and provide benefits for other public workers.
Reviewed ECDE salary 2023
County-level ECDE teacher salaries as of today
1. Uasin Gishu County
Untrained 23,000/-
Certificate 31,000/-
Diploma 35,000/-
Degree 55,000/-
2. Kakamega County
Certificate 23,000/-
Diploma 25,000/-
Degree 30,000/-
3. Garissa County
Certificate 45,000/-
Diploma 67,000/-
Degree Not applied
4. Kericho County
Certificate 26,000/-
Diploma 36,000/-
Degree 48,000/-
5. Homabay county
Certificate 15,000/-
Diploma 23,000/-
Degree Not applied
6. Kitui County
Certificate 27,000/
Diploma 32,000/-
Degree 50,000/-
7. Nyamira County
Certificate 15,000/-
Diploma 18,000/-
Degree Not applied
8. Narok County
Certficate 27,000/-
Diploma 33,000/-
Degree Not applied
9. Bomet County
Certificate 13,000/-
Diploma 16,000/-
Degree 21,000/-
10. Marsabit County
Certificate 28,500/-
Diploma 36,000/-
Degree 50,000/-
11. Kajiado County
Certificate 32,000/-
Diploma 36,000/-
Degree Not applied
12. Nandi County
Certificate 12,000100
Diploma 15,000/-
Degree Not applied
13. West Pokot County
Certificate 12,000/-
Diploma 14,000/-
Degree 22,000/-
Full Reviewed ECDE Teachers Salary Scale 2023-2024 Per County