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Education PS Belio Kipsang’s Message During 57th International Literacy Day

Education PS Belio Kipsang’s Message During 57th International Literacy Day

As we join the world in celebrating the 57th International Literacy Day today, we look back at great progress made in increasing the number of Kenyans who can read and write over the years.

Latest World Bank data place the adult literacy rate in Kenya by 2021 for people aged 15 years and above at 82.6 per cent. It means that about 17.38 per cent of our population in the above age cohort is still illiterate, providing pointers to where efforts of all stakeholders should focus as we seek to stamp out illiteracy.

September 8 of every year, therefore, provides an opportunity to reflect on the role of literacy in building more inclusive, peaceful, just and sustainable societies.

Literary empowers people and improves their self-esteem, creativity and critical thinking. It enables them to acquire knowledge, skills, attitude and values required to thrive in our rapidly changing society and economy. Besides, literacy contributes not only to generating personal benefits, such as better well-being and economic conditions, but also social, economic, political cultural, and environmental aspects.

The literacy programmes the country has put in place for children, youth and adults — who missed out or lost the skills for whatever reasons — help enhance democratic values, peaceful coexistence, and community solidarity.

Embedded in adult and continuing education programmes is the knowledge, skills and attitudes critical to creating and maintaining harmonious existence. It has potential to help communities, especially in the conflict prone regions due to the scramble for scarce resources and cattle rustling, embrace peaceful co-existence.

The State Department for Basic Education provides adult basic literacy, post literacy, continuing education and empowerment programmes. These programmes provide functional knowledge and skills on issues related to day activities of learners.

It also provides primary and secondary continuing education programmes to accord an opportunity to those who, for whatever reasons, dropped out of school before completing the basic education to continue and sit their KCPE or KCSE examinations.

Regrettably, however, at least one out of seven youth and adults aged 15 and above worldwide, equivalent to 773 million, still lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. In addition, a significant number of children, including those who are enrolled in school, are not acquiring basic literacy and numeracy skills, while 244 million children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 are not enrolled in school.

Narok County, which is hosts this year’s national celebrations, had a literacy level of about 56.3 per cent in 2022. This implies that 43.7 per cent constituting of about 174,605 persons aged 18 and above are illiterate while approximately 40,247 children of school-going age (6-17) have never been to school. Although enrolled in school, some 149,044 persons aged 18 in the county dropped out of school before completing basic education.

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In spite of the large number of illiterates in the county, there are only 74 adult learning centres with a paltry 2,866 enrolled learners of which 1,041 are male and 1,825 females. These learners are aged between 16 to 76. Forty-three have registered for this year’s KCPE, while15 are expected to sit KCSE.

The situation calls for concerted efforts to provide education to these pockets of illiterate population not only in Narok but the entire country.

To enhance provision of adult education programmes in the county, the Directorate has partnered with ForumCiV, which has engaged 14 adult education instructors in Narok East Sub-County.

Kenya joins the world in celebrating the day in Narok to recognise advancements it has made in attainment of literacy and foster a more literate society.

Being a national celebration, it is expected that the day will bring together people from all walks of life, including policymakers, practitioners, development partners and youth. The event will focus on this year’s theme “Promoting Literacy for a Sustainable and Peaceful Kenyan Society”.

The government, together with the citizens and other stakeholders, will use the day to, among others, raise awareness on literacy promotion and its place in empowering people to cope with and manage their lives, share relevant knowledge, experiences, and solutions for appreciating the power of literacy towards more sustainable and peaceful societies, and forge cooperation and partnerships for promoting literacy.

The day has been preceded by week-long activities dubbed Learners’ Week where an array of activities related to literacy were carried out.

Education PS Belio Kipsang’s Message During 57th International Literacy Day

Dr Kipsang is the Principal Secretary for Basic Education

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