ECDE Teachers To Be Employed by TSC in New Taskforce Proposal
Should President Ruto accept the recommendations of the Education Taskforce, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will begin hiring Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers.
On Thursday, June 8th, the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) completed its work and handed the president its final report.
Even though the Council of Governors advocated hiring ECDE teachers on a permanent basis and paying those with certificates, diplomas, and degrees sh24387, sh34395 per month, and sh46,494 per month for graduates, this is not currently the case in the majority of counties. In reality, many counties have yet to hire the teachers on long-term contracts.
This indicates that the majority of ECDE teachers are employed on contracts and receive a range of incomes; they are referred to as “carers” in this context.
After the first attempt was unsuccessful due to opposition from the Labour and Relations Court, this will be the second attempt to transfer ECDE teacher employment to TSC.
The constitution requires TSC to register qualified teachers, hire those already registered, and assign them to work in any public institution or school. Pre-primary and vocational education are listed as County Government activities in Schedule 4 of the constitution.
Pre-primary education and childcare facilities must be supervised by county governments, including the hiring of teachers.
However, the majority of ECDE teachers want to be removed from the county payroll because they believe it to be unfair and unpredictable.
Once the plan is approved, the group headed by Prof. Raphael Munavu suggested altering TSC’s function in managing the ECDE professors.
The panel recommends that ECDE instructors with diplomas be assigned to the same employment group as Pl teachers and receive the same pay and benefits.
ECDE Teachers To Be Employed by TSC in New Taskforce Proposal