Education CS George Magoha has appointed the law firm of the former director of public prosecution's Philip Murgor to act on behalf of his ministry in the CBC petition.
The petition was filed by a parent by the name of Esther who is also an advocate of the high court. LSK president Nelson Havi is acting for now in the suit.
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“Take notice that Professor George Albert Omore Magoha, the Respondent herein, has today appointed the firm of M/s Murgor & Murgor Advocates, to act on his behalf in this matter. Take further notice that henceforth all future correspondence and court process shall be served upon the said firm,” read the notice.
For 36 years Kenya has had the 844 system of education which comprises eight years in primary, four years in secondary and another four years at the university.
Murgor's appointment as a former public prosecutor set the stage for a contentious legal battle over the replacement of the 8-4-4 education system with the 2-6-6-3 curriculum.
The CBC system has come under fire from a group of parents and leaders who are concerned about its implementation, which has been labelled counterproductive and difficult by those who oppose it.
A group of Kenyans and parents have come out to express their dissatisfaction with the new education systems, claiming that they needed "a lot of work."
Others have argued that the CBC system will lead to educational inequalities, arguing that private schools have an advantage over public schools in various parts of the country, including remote and rural areas.
Some of the difficulties mentioned include a lack of adequate network connectivity, insecurity, and a lack of resources. In an urgent application filed on behalf of the petitioner, advocate Ang'awa, Havi requested that the case be heard by a panel of not less than five judges to be assigned by the Chief Justice.
The LSK President argued that the education system overhaul had resulted in a change in the basic structure of the country's education system without the necessary amendments to the Basic Education Act.
Ang'awa, who also filed an affidavit in support of the petition, claimed that the implementation of the new curriculum, which was based primarily on the Basic Educational Curriculum Framework of 2017 and the Sessional Paper 1 of 2019 on curriculum reform, violated the Basic Education Act and the Constitution.
The petitioner contended that actions taken by Magoha, the Kenya Institute for Curriculum Development (KICD), the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), and the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) are illegal and harmful to students.
On the other hand, National Parents Association Chairman Nicholas Maiyo insists CBC is the best curriculum. “This is the best curriculum we have ever had in this country. CBC is an electric engine, 8-4-4 was a steam engine…”
"We are the representatives of over 10 million parents of this country, who have taken their kids to public schools and we have not spoken. So, we want to state our case to you, that we will join the case," Maiyo stated.
Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok CBC, says the Education ministry should go back to the old 8-4-4 system. “Lets us retrace our steps and do the right thing, it is never too late to revert to the 8-4-4 system…”
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