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HomeEDUCATIONCourt Permanently Bans All Schools From Doing The Following

Court Permanently Bans All Schools From Doing The Following

Court Permanently Bans All Schools From Doing The Following

Today, the Court of Appeal broke its long-standing quiet by issuing a decisive judgement that targets all schools that are strategically located within the borders of Kenya.

The Court of Appeal, in its ruling delivered today, July 3rd, 2023, has permanently prohibited all schools, elementary as well as secondary, from coercing students to follow the faith of the school.

In a precedent-setting decision handed down earlier today, the Court of Appeal ruled that it is against the law for any school to require students to adhere to the religious tenets of the relevant learning institution.

Also Read: Gov’t Announces Resumption of Schools in Three Counties

The court stated that it was fundamentally discriminatory to impose limitations that prevented students from selecting the religion to which they would adhere while they were pursuing their education. The court stated that the Kenyan Constitution ensures that all students have the unrestricted right to practise any religious tradition they choose.

The court went one step further and forbade all schools in the nation from implementing punitive measures on students who adhere to a religion that is distinct from the one that the educational institution fervently adheres to.

Court Permanently Bans All Schools From Doing The Following

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