Tuesday, March 4, 2025


TSC Discontinues These Subject Combinations From Recruitment

TSC Discontinues These Subject Combinations From Recruitment The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) states that graduates of different teaching degree programmes are not allowed to be...

TSC Recruit a Team To Monitor Teachers’ Performance In Schools

TSC Recruit a Team To Monitor Teachers' Performance In Schools The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has launched a proposal to visit schools to assess, among...

Reasons Why Teachers Have Boycotted Application For TSC Promotions

Reasons Why Teachers Have Boycotted Application For TSC Promotions According to TSC Promotion 2023, teachers in Kenya are hesitant to apply for open Teachers Service...

TSC Disturbed As 1,000 Promotion Posts Miss Applicants

TSC Disturbed As 1,000 Promotion Posts Miss Applicants The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is now unable to fill the senior administrative positions that have been...

Teachers Decry High Promotion Requirements By TSC

Teachers Decry High Promotion Requirements By TSC There is pressure on the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to hire Principals and Headteachers for the over 15,000...

TSC Approved Teacher Salary Structure in Kenya

TSC Approved Teacher Salary Structure in Kenya Knowing the pay and benefits offered by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is crucial if you're thinking about...

Government Announces Teaching Jobs For Kenyans In Djibouti

Government Announces Teaching Jobs For Kenyans In Djibouti In an effort to include English into its courses, Kenya will send English teachers to Djibouti. The teachers...

ECDE Teachers To Be Employed by TSC in New Taskforce Proposal

ECDE Teachers To Be Employed by TSC in New Taskforce Proposal Should President Ruto accept the recommendations of the Education Taskforce, the Teachers Service Commission...

TSC Issues New Directive to Teachers Concerning may Payslip

TSC Issues New Directive to Teachers Concerning may Payslip After teachers complained of their May payslips reading zeros, the teachers service commission has issued a...

TSC Declares June 15, 2023, as the Deadline for All Kenyan Teachers to Complete the Following.

TSC Declares June 15, 2023, as the Deadline for All Kenyan Teachers to Complete the Following. Today, the Teachers Service Commission broke its seclusion with...