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HomeGENERAL NEWSBOM Teaching Jobs for January 2021 Secondary, Primary, ECDE Teachers. Non-Teaching Staff...

BOM Teaching Jobs for January 2021 Secondary, Primary, ECDE Teachers. Non-Teaching Staff Jobs

The following vacancies are advertised for January 2021. Kindly observe the application deadline

A. ECDE Teaching Vacancies


B. Primary School Teaching Jobs

1. Moi Primary School Kabarak:


C. Secondary School Teaching Jobs

1. Biology/Agriculture

2. Biology Chemistry


  • St. Regina Nairutia secondary in Kieni West, Nyeri County urgently requires teachers on BOM terms in following areas. Chem/bio to start teaching in Jan 2021. Applicants must be TSC registered. Contact 0722452892
  • PROPOI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL(West Pokot County) Invites Applications to fill the following Teaching Vacancies on B.O.M Terms effective January 2021: BIO/CHEM-1.
    • Must be registered by TSC and at least two years experience in handling Candidates class.
      Drop your application in school or email to
      For any Inquiry Contact: 0710509897/0741111387
      Deadline: 22/12/2020

3. Biology/Mathematics

4. Computer Studies/Any Subject

5. Computer/Mathematics

6. English/Literature

7. History/CRE

8. History/Geography

9. Geography/Business Studies

    10. Geography/CRE

    11. Geography/Mathematics


    • PROPOI GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL(West Pokot County) Invites Applications to fill the following Teaching Vacancies on B.O.M Terms effective January 2021: GEO/MATHS-1 

    12. Kiswahili CRE

    13. Kiswahili/History

    14. Mathematics/Business Studies

    15. Maths/Chemistry


    • Karima boys require math/ chem teacher on B.O.M terms. Interview 22nd DEC. TSC NO is a must Call 0708260763

    16. Chemistry/Any Combination


    17. Chemistry/Physics

    18. Physics/Any Combination

    19. Physics/Mathematics

    20. Homesicence 


    • Mungaria Secondary urgently requires a Home Science teacher on BOM terms.Kindly refer one if you have an idea to 0722607974.Thanks

    21. English/CRE

    • St. Regina Nairutia secondary in Kieni West, Nyeri County urgently requires teachers on BOM terms in following areas. English/CRE to start teaching in Jan 2021. Applicants must be TSC registered. Contact 0722452892


    D. Non-Teaching Staffs Jobs

    1. Computer Technician

    2. Laboratory Technician

    3. Nurse/Matron







    • Kiundwani secondary in Kibwezi sub-county requires TSC registered teachers for the following subject;
      1.Maths/ physics
      2.Kisw/ Geo
      Contact principal on 0712296335

    • Ikime secondary school in Kyuso sub-county wish to recruit teachers of the following subject combinations.
      1. Maths/Chemistry or B/studies
      2. Bio/Chem or Bio/Agric
      Scan and send your application letter and certificates to the Secretary BoM (0723439889) on or before 28/12/2020. Be TSC registered on registration on progress.
    • The following subject combinations are urgently required at Huruma Mixed day secondary school under BOM terms
      IRE/ Kisw
      For more information kindly contact 0712720061
    • St.charles Lwanga mixed secondary school mwanyani in mbeere south sub-county requires maths/PHY teacher on BOM terms. If qualified call 0728882493 or apply to the school directly.
    • AIC NYAYO GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL in Kalama sub-county- Machakos County wishes to announce the following teaching vacancies for immediate BOM employment.


    1.Must have graduated.
    2. Must have original transcripts and certificates.
    2.Have TSC No.

    Deadline for application submission is on 31st Dec 2020. Applications to be dropped in school or sent via school email:


    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for Interviews on 6th Jan. 2021

    • ELIMONYA SECONDARY in Kisii county on your way to Mogonga seeks to recruit the following teachers next year;
      2 Business/Geography
      The payment is ksh.10,000 please contact Mr Elijah Ombiro(director) 0721 552530..Thank you.
    • Bongo Girls High School in Kinangop sub county Nyandarua County requires the following teachers on BOM Terms.
      1. Agriculture/Biology.
      2. Business/ Geography.
      3. English/Literature.
      Registered teachers to bring their applications by 23/12/2020 or send through email:
      Principal Bongo Girls.

    • Mwereni Secondary school(Kwale county) requires a Maths/Chem teacher on Bom terms to start working on January 2021. The monthly gross pay is Ksh. 20,000. Tsc number is a compulsory requirements.
      If interested, kindly contact the principal via 0722454530.
    • Kanorero secondary school requires the following combinations on BOM terms.
      1. Geo/Business
      2. Kiswahili/History
      3. English/literature
      Applications to reach the school on or before 29th December 2020
    • Alfajiri secondary school in Nairobi has the following vacancies
      2.Geographic /business
      3.History and any other subject
      interested person must be TSC compliance.
      Call +254 718 938477
      0741656821 for more information

      Bunyore Girls High School is looking for TSC registered teachers to be employed under the Board of Management (BOM). The applicants should have a BIOLOGY/ CHEMISTRY combination.
      The applications should reach the Secretary to the BOM by 30th December 2020.
      Anybody in Vihiga county:
    • St Mark Orthodox Secondary School-Chavogere, in Sabatia sub-county, needs a teacher of Phy/any, Bio/any and Kisw/any to teach in BoM terms.
    • Consolata Girls kevote Embu has the following vacancies ..Bs/ maths, chem /PHY, History/CRE. For more information call 0702489008- Deputy principal.
    • Lab assistant required at Nalepo Taegong girls secondary in kajiado central. Contact 0733854397
    • Muragari Secondary in Embu county has a Mathematics/ Business studies vacancy. If interested, contact t

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