Salaries for Teachers & Civil Servants After Increment
According to the wages and renumeration commission, there won’t be a significant difference between what civil employees, state officers, teachers, and county government officers will actually receive and their current pay.
In comparison to wealthy incomes, low earners will receive a modest margin. For instance, a government employee making KSH 24000 per month will have their basic pay increase by KSH 1200 this fiscal year. While a civil servant earning KSH 54000 as their base wage will see a KSH 2700 boost.
Not to mention, this rise will result in higher tax and other deductions that are based on gross or basic pay. Increases in PAYE, NSSF, NHIF, and Provident Funds result from this.
The benefits that employees receive vary depending on the job group. In comparison to those in upper job groups, those in lower job groups will receive the lowest pay. The chair of the wages and renumeration commission explains in an interview with Citizen TV that only individuals who fall under cluster 4 will see an increase in home allowance.
Also Read: SRC Clarifies 7-10% Salary Increment to be Effected in Two Years
By coordinating house allowance, the commission hopes to eliminate cluster 4 by the next year. In other words, there will only be three clusters, namely clusters 1, 2, and 3.
Workers in Nairobi make up Cluster 1, while those in Mombasa, Malindi, Nakuru, and Kisumu make up Cluster 2. Other former municipalities make up Cluster 3 while other areas make up Cluster 4. Rural areas are primarily meant by “other areas.” Cluster 4 will be eliminated at the conclusion of the following year, according to the wage and renumeration commission’s analysis. Teachers and other government employees who currently work in remote areas might rejoice about this.
Salaries for teachers and government employees will be paid in two faces, per compensation reviews. The first face will be put into practise this year, while the second and final faces will be finished the next. Aside from the house allowance, no other allowances will increase.
Salaries for Teachers & Civil Servants After Increment