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80 Percent Of Teachers Not Qualified To Teach CBC, Economic Survey 2021 Reveals As TSC Explains Why 110000 Teachers Must Be Retrained Before 2023

80 Percent Of Teachers Not Qualified To Teach CBC, Economic Survey 2021 Reveals As TSC Explains Why 110000 Teachers Must Be Retrained Before 2023.

Eighty per cent of teachers are yet to acquire the necessary qualifications for teaching the competency-based curriculum (CBC), the Economic Survey 2021 released last week has revealed.

81 per cent of teachers (178,024) had only a P1 certificate by the end of last year. They are required to have a diploma for effective implementation of the new curriculum.


And, while the Education Ministry has been offering short courses for select teachers to help jumpstart the new curriculum, this does not replace the diploma requirement, and they must return to school.

They will have to upgrade their skills and qualifications through a one-year in-service programme at Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs). Education PS Julius Jwan said that once the school calendar returns to normal, the school-based upgrading program for teachers in service will be available (from 2023).

TSC and the Ministry of Education have also launched an upgrade program for unemployed P1 holders to obtain a diploma qualification. The training will be conducted at the TCCs.

In the meantime, the number of secondary school teachers has risen from 105,234 in 2019 to 13,155 in 2020. According to the report, female teachers increased by 9 per cent increase, while male teachers increased by 6.5 per cent. Female teachers made up 41.5% of the total number of teachers.

Secondary school teachers with a bachelor's degree make up the vast majority (108,109), with only 3,310 holding a diploma. There are 1,725 teachers with postgraduate degrees.

However, unlike in primary schools, male teachers outnumber females in secondary schools by 66,159 to 46,996. Secondary school teachers are expected to be in high demand once CBC launches in the segment in January 2023.

TSC recently sent a letter to universities regarding teacher training in new learning areas where current teachers lack expertise. The commission is set to retrain more than 110,000 secondary school teachers in preparation for the demands that come with the Competency-Based Curriculum. 


TSC maintains that new learning areas included under CBC have made it necessary for all teachers to go back to class and obtain skills on handling subject adjustments in preparation for the secondary school double intake in 2023.

A letter dated July 26 written by TSC boss Nancy Macharia to Basic Education PS Julius Jwan indicates that the introduction of new subjects requires teachers to be trained and hired.

Special attention is mostly required in pre-technical and pre-vocational education, life skills, agriculture and health education. Others include optional subjects such as Kenya sign language, indigenous languages, visual arts and performing arts. 

According to TSC Chief Executive Officer Macharia, all biology and home science teachers will have to be retrained to enable them to handle health education.

Social studies teachers must be trained on how to teach new content on citizenship. Sports and physical education teachers must also be trained on how to deal with sports and health.

“We advise and recommend that the teacher education curriculum should be made flexible and aligned to enable a single teacher to teach a variety of subjects,” says Nancy Macharia.

The letter is an official advisory on the requirements and preparation of teachers ahead of the establishment of junior and senior secondary schools (JSS) in under two years.

Teachers are currently equipped to teach at least two subjects, unlike the CBC which has widened the teaching areas. New teaching areas included are sports, performing arts and visual and applied arts, leatherwork, hairdressing, wood technology, beauty therapy, ceramics, plumbing and welding fabrication, mandarin.

TSC maintains that teachers in different subjects that have been adjusted or adopted new learning areas will go back to school for retraining. These include business studies teachers, English and literature, mathematics, physical sciences, Kiswahili, sign language, French, Arabic, German, Agriculture, CRE, History, and building construction. 

Those teaching Islamic Religious Education (IRE), Hindu Religious Education (HRE), home economics, aviation, electricity and metal technology will be retrained as well. For the retooling and training of teachers to be effectively implemented TSC recommends that sufficient funds be made available.

TSC recommends that Kagumo, Kibabii and Lugarithe colleges be ordered to admit students for the new subjects “on a demand-driven approach.”

Kenya Technical Training College (KTTC) should be upscaled in terms of the training of teachers in technical subjects required under CBC.

“Universities should be appropriately informed about the new subjects and that should guide admission of students pursuing education to meet the projected demands,” the commission says.

The pioneer CBC group is expected to transition to Junior Secondary School (JSS) in 2023. It is at JSS that learners will need to deepen their understanding of the broad CBC and choose pathways and tracks to follow in Senior Secondary School ï´¾SSSï´¿. 


Domiciling JSS at the secondary school level will optimize teacher utilization as they will teach at both Junior and Senior Secondary school levels. 

Learners who, in 2022, will be in primary school Grade 6 under the 2‐6‐6‐3 CBC and those in Standard 8 of the 8‐4‐ 4 education system will concurrently transition to Junior Secondary Grade 7 and Form 1, respectively. 

For the effectiveness of transition from primary to secondary education of the CBC and 8‐4‐4 cohorts and domiciling of JSS in the Basic Education structure, critical issues that will influence the double transitions need to be addressed. 

“Universities should be appropriately informed about the new subjects and that should guide admission of students pursuing education to meet the projected demands,” the commission says.



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