TSC Effects Latest Payroll Changes for all Teachers
On the basis of the most recent changes made to the teachers’ Payroll, the teachers service commission has offered a clarification.
On April 4, 2023, TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia issued a statement regarding the implementation of the ground-breaking Unified Payroll Number (UPN) for all teachers covered under the teachers’ payroll.
This came when the Head of the Public Service issued a public order that resulted in the implementation of the aforementioned.
The Unified Human Resource System (UHR) was adopted by the National Government as an important step in the modernization of its human resources system.
The decision to apply it to all Public Service organisations heralds a new era of integrated and streamlined HR procedures, according to the Head of the Public Service.
The aforementioned ground-breaking technology will serve as a central repository for all public sector human resources data and include essential details like payroll information.
The aforementioned initiative aims to increase productivity and streamline processes.
Additionally, the CARPS Report’s (2015) recommendations, including the creation of a “Unified Human Resource and Payroll generating System UHR and IJPN for the public service,” served as inspiration for this endeavour.
Each public employee must be given a unique and permanent identification number, according to the Allocation System for Unified Payroll Numbers (UPN).
The teachers’ employer, TSC, chose to assign a special UPN number to each of its payroll employees, including the acclaimed teachers, starting in March 2023.
Every Employee’s Pay Slip or Teacher’s Payroll boasts a special combination of identifiers under the instructors T-Pay System.These contain the UPN number (payroll number) and the TSC number (employee number).
TSC Effects Latest Payroll Changes for all Teachers