TSC Releases Subject Combinations That are Overcrowded
In Kenya, the problem of crowded subject combinations for teaching has been worse recently.
The causes, consequences, and potential fixes for this issue are examined in this article.
It’s critical to correct this imbalance and guarantee that children receive a well-rounded education because an increasing number of teachers are opting to teach popular topic combinations.
Because there are more people looking for teaching employment in Kenya, more people are enrolling in education-related degrees.
However, some subject combinations have grown excessively popular, making it difficult for graduates to find employment.
The fact that some topics are regarded as being popular and in demand among students is one of the primary causes of the overabundance of teaching subject combinations.
In order to increase their chances of being employed, many persons who wish to become teachers opt to major in these fields.
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Additionally, students’ choices of studies are often influenced by family expectations and cultural pressure, which might result in an unbalanced combination of subjects.
Too many teaching subject combinations have a negative impact on the educational system in many ways.
In the first place, it makes it difficult to locate professors for less well-liked subjects, which affects the standard of instruction in those fields.
Students may find it more difficult to study a variety of subjects as a result, which may also reduce their job prospects.
A narrow perspective of the world can be given to children by concentrating too much on a small number of topics, which can be detrimental to their general growth.
It also takes longer to employ instructors in courses that are already full because of the instructors Service Commission’s hiring strategy, which bases decisions on duration of stay.
This article provides a comprehensive list of the educational subject pairings that are overused in Kenya. It also reveals areas with particularly ferocious competition.
There Are Too Many Teaching Subject Combinations
You must be aware of these trends if you’re considering a career in education so that you can make informed decisions. Check out the list by reading on.
Literature and English
The number of graduates with English and Literature as a degree combination has significantly increased in recent years. Many people select this combination because they believe it to be flexible and may lead to employment outside of teaching.
Geography and History
People who wish to teach social studies frequently choose to major in geography or history.
However, there aren’t many career opportunities because there are so many graduates in this subject combination, making it exceedingly competitive.
CRE/IRE and Kiswahili:
Kiswahili, the native language, and Christian or Islamic religious education are both taught by far too many qualified individuals.
The main reason for this saturation is that so many people study these subjects as part of their preparation to become teachers.
This combination has remained popular even though all high schools are required to teach at least one language.
Graduate instructors in this situation are permitted to remain for up to five years without working for the Teachers service commission (TSC).
College students should avoid this combo like the plague for the time being.
Business studies and maths
Another coupling that hasn’t improved over time is this one.
The shortest period of unemployment, according to TSC, is four years.
You should put this coupling on hold for the time being.
CRE/Geography and CRE/History
These combos have demoralised teachers because they only offer electives, which is why employers are least interested in them.
Only optional courses make up these combinations, and the Commission hardly ever promotes them.
A person needs the longest amount of time to be absorbed by TSC.
Geometry and Math
Due to the way it functions, maths is taught alongside other subjects including physics, chemistry, biology, business studies, computer studies, and physical education.
It is challenging to find employment with the commission because geography is the only human discipline that correlates with mathematics.
People who wish to teach science often choose to combine maths and physics, but the field has grown extremely competitive.
Because the topics overlap so much, there are an excessive number of qualified graduates, making it difficult to locate teaching positions in these fields.
Physics and Mathematics
Another popular combination of science topics that has attained the same degree of popularity is biology and chemistry.
Because so many individuals are earning degrees in these professions, there is fierce competition for jobs in them.
There are currently too many qualified graduates in several topic combinations in Kenya due to the rising number of individuals vying for teaching positions.
The most affected combinations, including English and Literature, Mathematics and Physics, Biology and Chemistry, Geography and History, and Kiswahili and CRE/IRE, were briefly discussed in this article.
It’s critical for those seeking careers as teachers to consider these trends and consider various topic combinations or specialisations to improve their prospects of finding employment in the competitive labour market.
It should be made clear to those who want to enrol in education courses not to choose subjects that would make them miserable when they are finished.
Verify the truth. Your future will be prosperous if you make the proper combination.
TSC Releases Subject Combinations That are Overcrowded