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TSC Approved Teacher Salary Structure in Kenya

TSC Approved Teacher Salary Structure in Kenya

Knowing the pay and benefits offered by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is crucial if you’re thinking about teaching in Kenya. The salaries, benefits, and additional compensation that TSC offers to instructors with and without advanced degrees will be discussed in this article.

Amounts Paid to Graduate Teachers new employee

Graduate instructors begin with a monthly pay of Sh34,955. Grade C2’s pay scale, which was formerly known as Job Group K, is comparable to Secondary Teacher II’s. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that this is the base pay before any bonuses or other adjustments are made.

Graduate instructors may receive additional compensation beyond their regular pay in the form of allowances. An extra Sh5,000 is given to a C2 teacher each month to cover travel costs.

Also Read: TSC new Salary Scale For Junior Secondary School Teachers

A Sh6,000 annual leave benefit payment is also given out. Depending on where you live, the monthly housing allowance could be anything from Sh16,500 and Sh7,000.

All newly employed instructors are required by the TSC employment letter to satisfactorily complete a six-month probationary period before being given consideration for a permanent position.

Over this time, we’ll evaluate your performance. Probationary periods may on occasion be extended if an employee’s performance is markedly subpar.

Lessons from Salary

It’s critical to realise that your salary will be subject to a variety of deductions prior to your net income being deposited into your account. Deductions can be divided into two groups: those that are required by law and those that are authorised by outside parties.

Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax, Higher Education Loans Board, and National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) contributions are all required payroll deductions. Union dues, IRA donations, and loan payments are examples of third-party deductions.

Teachers with an education degree can expect to get an entry-level salary of Sh27,195 per month. In addition to their income, teachers with a diploma are also entitled to the same advantages and privileges as those with doctoral degrees.

A typical starting wage for primary school teachers is Sh21,756 per month in Grade B5 (Job Group G). People have the option of moving up the pay scale as their professions develop and they gain experience.

TSC Approved Teacher Salary Structure in Kenya

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