TSC Lists Teachers Who Will Get Salaries With Arrears After Budget
Following the presentation of the national budget in Parliament on Thursday next week, a number of teachers will receive substantial wage increases.
As the fiscal year 2022-2023 comes to an end, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is already working on its June payroll.
The Commission hinted at the kind of instructors who are expected to get arrears pay this month.
1. Primary school teachers deployed to junior secondary school
PTE teachers who were assigned to teach Grade 7 students are among those who will be paid in arrears.
Only a tiny number of teachers received their paychecks this month, and the majority were paid in full.
The first cohorts were deployed to junior secondary schools once their documents were checked by their Sub County Directors and deployment letters were given.
Also Read: Why Teachers And Civil Servants Will Receive Salaries Next Week
The graduate teachers’ deployment (posting) letters indicated that they will begin at job group C2, earning a gross pay of ksh 58,335 per month.
TSC stated in a circular dated February 17, 2023 that it received a total of 10,833 requests for deployment to Junior Secondary Schools from competent primary school teachers.
However, only about 7,400 teachers qualified and were assigned to begin teaching grade 7 students.
TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia issued a clear direction to Sub County Directors and Primary Headteachers releasing and receiving the teachers to expedite payment for the deployed teachers.
“As soon as the teachers are deployed to JSS, the County Directors shall begin posting to the Sub-County on the Posting, Entry/Exit Reports Module.” The instructors would be posted to JSS by the Sub-County Director’, stated TSC CEO Nancy Macharia in the circular.
She directed Heads of Institution (HOI) who were releasing instructors to quickly depart them by submitting depart Reports so that the incoming Head of Institution may submit the Entry Report.
2. Newly recruited JSS teachers who missed pay with arrears
The newly hired junior secondary school teachers will also be compensated by the Commission. These include both intern teachers and regular employees.
TSC had employed 35,550 JSS teachers, but only 17,800 had been paid. Though the bulk of employees received their salaries in arrears this month, a small percentage did not.
3. Teachers promoted to next job group
Any teacher who was promoted to the next job group but did not get their wage arrears will receive a pay rise this month.
Some teachers were upgraded from B5 to C1, while others were promoted from C1 to C2, but the wage increases were not paid.
The Commission will eliminate the backlog by paying instructors’ dues the following week.
4. Any outstanding debts.
TSC will pay teachers any outstanding arrears. For example, if a school is in the hardship zone and its teachers have not received the hardship payment for several months due to the school not having a code, the instructors will be reimbursed the arrears if the school obtains a code and is included among the hardship schools.
Another example is if a teacher was suspended and then reinstated on the payroll, TSC will pay the teacher in arrears.
TSC Lists Teachers Who Will Get Salaries With Arrears After Budget