TSC Issues Alert to School Heads, Issues Deadline
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to close the online Teacher Performance and Development (TPAD) portal.
Throughout this week the online system has had serious problems with teachers unable to interact with it efficiently.
However our team checked it today morning and found out that it has stabilized and its now accepting data and working well.
Teachers are required to submit their appraisal ratings for second term before the deadline when the system will close.
At the same time the Commission has also released guidelines for schools whose Deputy Heads of Institutions (DHOI) had problem doing lesson observation and appraising teachers.
TSC has directed the school heads on how they can assign rights to their deputies for them to be able to appraise teachers effectively.
If by any chance a school has a Deputy Head teacher who is unable to appraise the other teachers due to lost DHOI rights, the HOI should:
(i). Log in to the TMIS system
(ii). Go to teachers details page (page no. 4 of 7)
(iii). Update the current deputy data from teacher to deputy.
(iv). Indicate the date of current responsibility (date when the teacher was appointed to that position of deputy)
(v). Click on the save button to save the changes
According to the Commission, TPAD which is an open appraisal system will allow teachers in primary and secondary schools to participate in evaluating their own performance and initiate their professional development.
Through the appraisal and development system, it is envisaged that teachers will become more empowered to regain the lost glory of the teaching profession and public confidence and support.
TSC uses TPAD to promote its teachers. During promotion interviews teachers must download and produce evidence of TPAD compliance for lthem to be considered.
Teachers who fail to comply by taking the appraisal and lesson observations risk disciplinary action from the Commission.
TSC Issues Alert to School Heads, Issues Deadline