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HomeGENERAL NEWSWhat You Should Know About CBC and 8.4.4 (Differences)

What You Should Know About CBC and 8.4.4 (Differences)

How CBC Differs with 8.4.4. Firstly, 8.4.4 system is the old system where learns would spend 8 years in primary then sit for KCPE then spend 4 years in Secondary School before proceeding to tertiary institutions for another 4 years.

You find the in the 8.4.4 system learners were examined in nine learning areas that were folded to form five subjects tested during exams in primary schools.

The current system of education, the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) you will find that learners take 12 compulsory learning areas with other optional subjects that they need to choose a minimum of one and a maximum of two learning areas.

The proposal that has been put forward and which will soon be implemented after the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) table the report is that the compulsory learning areas will be reduced to ten with Life skills incorporated in Social Studies while Health Education will be incorporated with Integrated Science.

The new curriculum is aimed at developing and nurturing the learners’ talents and skills by developing values and competencies in the event of learning.

Some of the values that these learners need to develop in the process of learning include;

Values Developed Under CBC

  1. Patriotism
  2. Peace
  3. Responsibility
  4. Respect
  5. Unity
  6. Love
  7. Integrity
  8. Self reliance

Similarly, learners have to develop the Competencies in the process of learning.

Core Competencies To Be Developed

  1. Creativity and Imagination- Here the learners are allowed to come up with ideas than then turning them into a reality.
  2. Communication and Collaboration – Here the learners achieve this by working together with other learners.
  3. Critical thinking and problem solving – learners are encouraged to use logic, evidence and seeing various perspectives.
  4. Citizenship – Learners are made to understand their rights, duties and privileges of each citizen.
  5. Self Efficacy – Here learners are allowed to develop the confidence to handle difficult tasks.
  6. Learning to Learn – where a learner is curious to learn and grasp new things daily.
  7. Digital Literacy – Learners are given digital tasks that need to sharpen their digital skills. Teachers also use various digital devices as a mode of delivery during the learning process.

In CBC, the teacher is a facilitator. His work is to facilitate learners construct their own knowledge through the provision of challenging tasks and experiences.

You will find the new system exerts more emphasis on tasks outside classroom where the information learnt in class is now connected to the real world.

The major and compulsory learning areas that are handled at grade seven are ten in number.

Compulsory Learning Areas in JSS

  1. Mathematics
  2. English
  3. Kiswahili
  4. Integrated Science
  5. Life skills
  6. Health Education
  7. Social Studies
  8. Business Education/Studies
  9. Physical and Health Education
  10. Pre-technical Studies
  11. Christian Religious Education
  12. Agriculture

There are optional learning Areas where learners are supposed to choose a maximum of two learning areas and a minimum of one learning area.

Optional Learning Areas in JSS

  • Visual Arts
  • Performing Arts
  • Home Science
  • Computer Science
  • Foreign Languages (German, French, Mandarin, or Arabic)
  • Kenyan Sign Language
  • Indigenous Languages

In the 8.4.4 system, you will find that the focus was on the development of cognitive skill where learners could learn through thoughts, senses and experience.

The 8.4.4 was perfection oriented while the CBC system focuses on progress.

The 8.4.4 system saw the teacher- student interaction being limited but there is a closer interaction of teacher-learner.

The CBC gives learners an opportunity to think by themselves and prepares them for the labour market through creative work.

How CBC Differs with 8.4.4

The Kenya Institute Of Curriculum Development (KICD) CEO Charles Ong’ondo mentioned that the major aim of the Competency Based Curriculum is to empower each learner to become engaged and ethical citizen.

The 8.4.4 system could just prepare learners for exams but in CBC, a continuous assessment and development is encouraged.

8.4.4 encouraged lecture method but the CBC system encourages hands on learning.

Similarly, the 8.4.4 could also focus on memory but the CBC system focuses on understanding and group learning.

In summary, the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is learner centred and focuses on development of values and competencies for holistic development of a learner.

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