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HomeGENERAL NEWS45000 Form One miss full scholarships as the list is released

45000 Form One miss full scholarships as the list is released

45,000 candidates who sat the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE will miss getting full Form One scholarships. This is according to the released list of beneficiaries by the government.

9,000 learners from 110 sub-counties and 15 urban centres will benefit from the Elimu Scholarship Programme that targets individuals from poor and vulnerable backgrounds.

Only 54,000 applications were received in the scholarship programme meant for applicants who scored above 280 marks. The Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha will reveal the beneficiaries tomorrow at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).

Those to be unveiled tomorrow include merited cases under affirmative action for those with lesser marks if the applicants are living with special needs and disabilities, are orphans or come from vulnerable communities.

879,208 candidates who sat their 2020 KCPE Examinations scored 200 marks and above. All these met the criteria and were eligible to compete for the scholarships.

What Beneficiaries Will Get:

  • Full school fees for the entire period of secondary school education in the public secondary school paid.
  • School uniforms,
  • Learning materials and personal effects for the entire period of secondary schooling.
  • Transport to and from school during school opening, mid-term breaks and closing will also be provided in addition to
  • Sh500 pocket money per term.

Details reveal that applicants with special needs and disabilities such as physical, autism, learning disabilities, hearing and visual impairments, albinism, among others were considered. Candidates whose guardians or parents are living with disabilities were considered too.

Other candidates considered includes

  • Candidates whose families are affected by HIV and Aids and other chronic illnesses.
  • Orphans and vulnerable children,
  • Candidates from vulnerable communities in the target sub-counties and urban centres with informal settlements.
  • Those who suffered from neglect, abuse and have no support to continue with their education.
  • Candidates from families affected by extreme poverty and who have no resources to cater for their education

The scholarship programme is part of the Kenya Secondary Education Quality Improvement Project (SEQIP) being implemented by the government under the Ministry of Education to boost retention in upper primary school and transition to secondary school of poor and vulnerable students.

The ministry identified the Equity Group Foundation (EGF) as the Partner Agency to design and support the implementation of the Programme.


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